(no subject)

Jan 03, 2010 03:09

My new years resolutions:

1) Let everyone I love know each time we talk how much I dearly care for them. I don't want a day to go by where an arguement doesn't get resolved, a hateful word is said and not asked for forgiveness, or a friendship to go to caput because of whatever happened.

2) Truly speak my mind. No more holding back just to "spare" someone's feelings.

3) In regards to that, try to not be so judgemental of people.. you never know what someone is going through or what their day has been like.

4) Read the bible everyday.. I felt so distant from God this past year... I need to change that.

5) Workout every day... P90x here I come!

6) Take more pictures of my surroundings and the people I love. Pictures speak a thousand words.

7) Spend more time with friends... I have grown distant from a good majority of my friends, that I want to pursue the friendship again.

8) Try to look more positively on life, love, and everything in between.

9) Try not to eat out so much (dunno how this will work but I'm gonna do my best!)
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