Jul 17, 2004 23:38
I don't know anymore.
I'm confused with everything. I just need to get a job and do good in school, when the time comes, and hopefully I'll get this great chance to leave this state. It's depressing and hot. When you move a lot when you're little you begin to get antsy if you stay in one place for too long, or at least I do. I have been antsy since I was in 6th or 7th grade.
I think with all of my relationships and friendships with people come problems that I inflict, so I really should just give up. I'm stubborn, I don't listen I just speak, and I don't show empathy what so ever. I'm a failure who pobably needs to be doped up on happy pills to survive the rest of her life just to have decent friendships and relationships.
It's wonderful life in the neighborhood in which I love you and you love me.
What an effing lie.