Tekteks have no introduction. Tekteks need no introduction.
Be...cause I assume everyone knows what they are by now.
Deb is wearing all boys clothing, because it is comfortable. Sometimes she busts out an appallingly short skirt. Those are dangerous, dangerous times, my friend.
Green bubbles = selling marijuana? I don't....know. APPARENTLY. Also a shamrock pin, because for some reason Gaia didn't have a 'pot leaf' accessory. AND? AND. Birdyhair. That's right.
Gert is fucking adorable, okay. Even dinosaurless :(
Pietro, featuring coloring no human being has ever had.
Ted! Who...canonically doesn't have blue hair or glasses, but shut up. He's in high school and this is Tektek, I do what i can. PS Note the scarab pin.
Zachary has heart problems :( And hipster pants.
Zach Bosch, who is different to Zachary, has RIDICULOUS hair. And a laptop and what I believe is actually a cigar, but ....you all know better.