Feb 07, 2008 19:01
Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Post the first line (unless the first line reveals the song title) from the first 30 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Strike through the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
Step 5: If you like the game, post your own!
Hahah and because I totally did this to Amy a couple times due to my own....ridiculousness, please feel free to tell me if any of these lyrics are wrong, because I am listening to them through a head full of Robitussin.
What, of course I have an excuse. And because of this, I have provided CLUES. Or just...snark. Shut up, I do what I want.
1. Are we growing up, or just going down? - I am 12 and can't stop giggling at that.
2. Virginia was a lot lizard from FLA...
3. If you can play on the fiddle, how's about a British jig and reel?
4. Every time that I cry out, no one ever comes to me. - HAHAH I LOVE that song, but oh my god it is NOT ALONE as far as whiny songs from that particular artist and or group of artists.
5. Well, she's lying in our bed, sweatin', startin' at the ceiling - Fact: I have heard a demo version of this song, and it was a LOT SMUTTIER. If you can imagine. The original title had two words. Eve 6, Nocturnal. Back when they were called Eleventeen and had a different drummer, this song was in fact called Nocturnal Emission, and that's exactly what it was about. HOORAY.
6. A turning tide, lovers at a great divide.
7. Murder every inch of the goddamn way. - Marion's fucking theme song, my friends....okay, maybe not his fucking theme song, but....you can never tell with that guy. Morphine, Murder for the Money. For the hired killer and his snuggly blonde bunny Ingrid. :D
8. Could you go any slower, you're such a church-goer.
9. Crickets rhythmically sing their mournful melodies.
10. Pay attention my love, 'cause it's over.
11. We meet again, riding our divisible bodies. - I don't know if these lyrics are correct, but my god, do I hope so. Because....what? O_o - Stephen Malkmus, Freeeze the Saints. Guessed by Karra, who wins some kind of obscure-ass music award.
12. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary. - It's not what you think it is! I will be pretty surprised if anyone gets this.
13. I'm put together so beautifully, big wet bottle in my fist, big wet rose in my teeth.
14. I just thought you should know, darlin' I been around. - Not the first line! An Eden song. :] Poe, Not a Virgin. A point for Amy!
15. Going outside, shoveling snow in the driveway.
16. There's no holding me back.
17. Lie down in position against the polished steel. - That's sort of amazing out of context. And...in context too, actually.
18. There was no way out, the only way out was to give in.
19. I fell in love again, all things go.
20. Oh, it's opening time down on _____. - Yeah.
21. Sometimes when this place gets kind of empty... - The version I am listening to is actually a cover, but I will also accept the original, because I'm not a monster.
....okay anyway, I'll accept the original.
22. They got airplanes flying over you. - OH FUCK AIRPLANES. .....I'm sorry.
23. Well, I met a girl with bottles of wine...
24. You're the shaded sun, your daddy's broken gun. Joseph Arthur, History. Which I apparently recced to Kay and also to EVERYONE EVER. It's a good song.
25. Not another existential cowboy, and no more California champagne.
26. Through you the blind will see.
27. Day-glo all of you, made for those little sick ones.
28. I stumble when I'm walking, lose control of my feet.
29. A public service announcement followed me home the other day...
30. You and I, we may look the same but we are very far apart. - NIN, My Violent Heart. Guessed by Amy and Slarti and probably everyone who ever played on Hell, WI. XD
I expect EVERYONE EVER to get that last one....okay no, but Slarti better, or I'll let Dele stab him.