Jan 30, 2010 15:59
When I checked the weather forecast last night, it said that there was only a 10% chance of precipitation. Then today, I looked out the window around 1:45pm and saw that not only was it snowing but that it had apparently already been snowing for a while. Now the forecast is saying that it probably won't stop snowing until 2am. How exactly does a 10% chance become 12+ hours of snow?
At least it looks like I wasn't the only one caught by surprise. When I went out to the library, none of the roads had been treated at all yet. Fortunately, it was cold enough that the snow stays powdery on the ground instead of turning to ice or slush. It still isn't any fun though. The sibling was supposed to be stopping by for a visit later today. We'll have to see if the snow causes a change in plans.