About 8 hours/..

Dec 12, 2004 23:25

And this is all I have to show for it..

Copyright (C) Fall 2004 by Dan McClimans

I received some help from:
and I provided some help to:

I certify that, while others may have assisted me in brain
storming, debugging, and validating this program, the program
itself is my own work. I understand that submitting code
which is largely the work of other individuals is a violation
of the Academic Integrity Policies and may result in zero
credit for the assignment, or an XF grade for the course.

Project: Final Lab
File: FinalLabSort.cpp
Description: GradeBook

Program was run Mon Dec 13 02:40:05 2004

What data file?? final1.dat

Please enter the number of how you would like the data sorted.
1.Last name, 2.ID Number, 3.Exam score 4.No sorting
Student Information
StudentID First Name Last Name Score Letter Grade
_________ __________ __________ ________ _____________
1452 Santa Claus 99 A
1524 Winnie Pooh 65 D
1918 US Grant 79 C
2873 Dennis Mitchell 65 D
4561 Mickey Mouse 69 D
5482 Mary Lamb 89 B
6514 Jill Waters 78 C
6514 Rudolph Reindeer 100 A
6918 Donald Duck 72 C
7123 Gandalf Wizard 85 B
7261 Snow White 84 B
7261 George Patton 98 A
7283 Albert Einstein 100 A
7381 Pig Pen 87 B
7462 Charles Manson 23 F
7654 Bilbo Baggins 91 A
7891 Bigbad Wolf 56 F
8123 Merriadoc Brandybuck 75 C
8172 Linus VanPelt 95 A
8271 Charles Darwin 90 A
9208 Charlie Brown 80 B
9287 Marie Curie 100 A
9438 Wolfgang Mozart 100 A
Number of students: 23
High Scores:
StudentID FirstName LastName Score LetterGrade
6514 Rudolph Reindeer 100 A
7283 Albert Einstein 100 A
9287 Marie Curie 100 A
9438 Wolfgang Mozart 100 A
StudentID FirstName LastName Score LetterGrade
7462 Charles Manson 23 F

Bar Chart
BBBBB ~~ 5 B's
CCCC ~~ 4 C's
DDD ~~ 3 D's
FF ~~ 2 F's

Minimum score is 23
Maximum score is 100
Average score is 81

That's all folks!

Still need to finish the sort function!

~~~~~EDIT~~~~~~ I ADDED THE SORT FUNCTION!! I OWN!! IT WORKS!! ~really really happy~

~~~~EDIT NUMBER 2~~~~~ Ya so I forgot to add the paralell cell swaping.. That took to long, and bubble sort wouldnt work with it so I had to re write a large portion of the fucking sort function ~less happy~

Of course the formatting fucks it 6 ways from sunday
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