showthatcard's Halloween party:
____raptures dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Crazy Conqueror.
____vague dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Winifred.
_eatmyshoes didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
_electric_love dressed as something warm, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
_kelly_belly dressed as Jeri Ryan's brother.
and0_san dressed as Chandra Levy.
busmeil247 dressed as Wesley Crusher from "Star Trek".
chica_linda dressed as the Brady Bunch -- all of them.
crossed_lovers dressed as a rabbit.
dlen06 dressed as a 1990's grunge child.
dorks_are_hot_ dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
ele_phunk dressed as the love child of Bruce Springsteen and Milla Jovovich.
fartsmcgee forgot to put on clothes!
fast_dreams dressed as Shakira riding a skunk, though it looked more like your father.
fr4nk_th3_t4nk dressed as Venus Williams.
im_a_n1nja dressed as a cow.
inevitable_l0ve didn't dress up, spoilsport.
johnnybbon dressed as a velcro zombie.
kiss_me_g00dbye dressed as a reversible lizard.
leamalynne dressed as Martha Stewart.
lend_mesomesuga dressed as Daria.
lil_cutie_unit dressed as a cup of tea.
lilayoo dressed as the Cardinal of Coruselvance.
listentobanana dressed as Caprice Bourret.
lostngone_4ever dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Sucker of Stars.
love_relations dressed as a flood.
made_in_seecret dressed as a halfback for the Jets.
made_insecret dressed as a help desk administrator.
madkrazyitalian dressed as Milla Jovovich.
makeitloud dressed as the Wholesale Power Ranger.
misled_ dressed as a new superhero: Winged Mistress.
moonlitwalk724 dressed as the Governor of Colorado.
natatybuhban dressed as a outfielder for the Rockies.
nikitat3hn1nj4 dressed as a pixie, and it suited them disturbingly well.
petit_fromage dressed as Elmer Fudd.
photoboooth forgot to put on clothes!
piinky_promiss dressed as a goblin.
purple_peruvian dressed as a character from "Bringing Up Baby".
renegade_kill dressed as a sucker.
rhythmmachine dressed as Jennifer Lopez.
rough_draft_ dressed as George Washington.
runyouover1788 dressed as a Level 10 sorcerer.
siimplybecause dressed as a Shenefelt-PutnamCompany employee.
skyline99 dressed as your aunt.
soniaaa dressed as Tori Amos.
sweetconfesions dressed as Optimus Prime.
time2getfunky dressed as Harry S Truman.
wearethefew dressed as a bottle of Synphex.
x0fade_away dressed as the King of Cook Islands.
xweallfalldownx dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Chim-Chim Pizzahumperdinck", and it suited them disturbingly well.
xxkrazynikkixx dressed as the Viscount of Green Gum.
Throw your own party at the
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