Feb 04, 2006 13:59
things are going great.
new job has its ups and its downs... but its a job. and it works for now. i like it most of the time.
john's really stepping things up with the screen printing business. he's made great progress, and he figured out a solid plan of action to get things going. i'm very happy for him.
tony's wedding was last night. it was fun. awkward, but fun. it's weird to see people my age getting married. its awesome. but its weird. i'm happy for tony and leah though, they seem very happy together. i hope all goes well with their marraige and their baby (when she's born).
i'm tired a lot lately. probably because i have to actually wake up in the morning now. that sucks. i have to be at work at 8. thats soooo early for me. but i'm getting used to it. hopefully i'll be pulling in some decent money so i can get myself on my feet again.
i think i've decided to change my major when i go back to school. i'm going to go to BCC and finish up my daycare teacher's certification (2 classes) and then go for small business management or accounting. i havent decided which yet. After working for 5-6 years at the afterschool program and watching how incredibly disrespectful the kids are i've decided that being a teacher may not be the best choice for me. i LOVE my afterschool job -- but its only 3-4 hours a day. i dont know if i could handle it all day. actually i know i couldnt. its a good thing ididnt really get too far into my Ed. classes before i made that decision.
ok i'm off now -- we're babysitting for john's cousin's kids tonight. they're cute. and they love him. which is cute.
adios xo