(no subject)

Mar 18, 2006 22:08

[Susan's Diary]

Folded into the crease is a list of spellbooks from first, second and third year studies.

18 March, 2001

I've finally got all the paint out from under my fingernails after the door incident. Picking it out of Topper's fur was a little harder, but I couldn't use any magic on him without terrifying him. Terry keeps telling me I still have a spot or two that I've missed, but I have a very strong suspicion that this is just his way of getting an opportunity for his own private inspection. Not that I mind.

The house feels restless. Everyone waiting. Endlessly waiting. For what?

Yesterday I received an owl from London. I'd thought everyone had forgotten about my advertisements, but someone sent a message and tomorrow Ms Winnifred Plunket is going into the city. I'm to help prepare a young witch who is going off to Beauxbatons next year. It's not much. Two hours a day, three days a week. But it will help by contributing to the expenses of this new living arrangement.

Hermione has some polyjuice ready for me and I went to the cathedral during Sunday services and found someone who is about my height to be my face.

I suppose this will be a test. For both Terry and myself.

But I'm sure Michael will keep him distracted with their research. Just enough to keep Terry from worrying too much about me.

We shall see.

susan's journal

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