I am moved out of my 715 house.
I really am going to miss it. I loved the way it felt like home even if I wasn't there for that long. I loved my room and the living room was lovely in the spring and summer. The way the sun came through the window was delightful. I would have loved to spend the summer there...but I guess it is time to move on. I'm "living" in Genna's old house...where Bethany is moving in. So pretty much I'm living alone in a house that is very empty. My stuff is piled in the corner of the living room and I sleep on the fouton. I guess I'll only be sleeping there for 2 more nights and then I'll be home for awhile and then moving in to the new place. (PS THANKS PAT FOR ALL THE HELP I PRETTY MUCH WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GET MOVED OUT WITHOUT YOU) I guess that's all the news I have....I'm moving and working...and legacy is kind of stupid most days. It used to be more than a job...it has become just a job....I go there and work and it's not really an escape anymore like it used to be. I am the assistant manager but was recently told that my job isn't really needed here. I however realized today that I do quite a bit.
Oh a new development in my life...I am alergic to TIDE. So I've had the itchies.
bye lovelies...