Cue the spooky not Spooky theme music, and the flashbacks to previous adventures:
Miss M. Parker,
mparkerceo* AKA Parker to her friends (but not to be confused with
* From the suspense/drama TV series Pretender.
* Fandom Class of 2007
* St. John's College, Oxford, Class of 2010: Firsts in Chinese language and Economics.
* 21 years old and working on a world takeover with her genius think-tank, 7G.
* 5'10", Armani, Prada, manicured, sharp and shiny, shoe addict.
* Carries a concealed .Sig Sauer and wears deadly stilettos wherever she goes.
* Just sent her father into exile and the Centre into a tizzy in June.
* in a relationship with her world's Jarod, the eponymous Pretender
* Snarly, bitchy, defensive, but a good friend.
* Doesn't visit Fandom much any more except to see said friends.
Dinah Lance,
blondecanary, AKA Canary
* From the TV series Birds of Prey, based loosely on the DC Comics of the same name.
* Fandom Class of 2010, woo!
* 18 years old, from New Gotham, NJ, part-time crimefighter and aspiring P.I. and superhero.
* Adopted daughter of Barbara Gordon, AKA Oracle, but refers to Barbara and fellow crimefighter Huntress (Helena Kyle) as her sisters.
* Currently dating Jaime Reyes,
weldedtomyspine, and will be missing him tons very very soon because they're breaking up and--
* She's off the island tomorrow. She will be keeping in touch with Fandom friends in the future.
* 5'10", casual, jockette, curious, aspiring P.I. if you ask.
* Has superpowers: Telekinesis, Clairvoyant Dreams, Touch Telepathy and the Canary Cry None of which will be used on anyone without prior permission on her visits back to Fandom.
* Has studied martial arts intensively for the last three years.
* Class of 2014, Gotham University, Criminal Justice, starting next week.
Sophie Devereaux,
magdaofslovenia, AKA Princess Magda of Slovenia, and about zillion other aliases
* From the current TNT show Leverage (the same as Parker-the-thief mentioned above)
* Con-woman/retired-grifter/art-thief, former teacher here, and currently owns the Fourth Dimension Art Gallery in town.
* Is hiring! See me for details if you want a job.
* Indeterminate age and origins; most likely British, most likely early 40's. And hopefully canon will cough up some backstory next Sunday.
* 5'6", and shares Parker's thing for expensive, shiny, shoes.
* Here in the middle of her canon, after Season 2. Due for a canon update SOON
* When she's not running a con, she's the World's Worst Actress--
* --but she's getting steadily better, and is mentoring
abetterthief in the ins and outs of the Con and theft.
former FBI Agent Dana Scully, M.D.
showmetheproof* Is from mid-season 6 of X-Files
* Is therefore from 1999, the land of huge cellphones and small computer drives
* Is currently a 15-year-old sophomore(on the outside), due to a stupid wish made to a djinnayah by her former FBI partner, Fox Mulder, four months ago.
* Got here in May.
* Is a 35-year-old forensic pathologist and FBI agent on the inside.
* Is very cranky about this, but starting to adjust.
* Is cranky that the adjustment seems to include some emotional de-evolution.
* Answers to Scully, not Dana.
* 5'0" tall, red-haired, blue-eyed, Irish-skinned, and wears glasses to study
* Had survived a lot of strange crap before she came to the island
* Is a skeptic. Hard-core.
* Except when she's Catholic.
* Works at the Clinic on Thursdays.
* Rooms with Rosalind of the Turks
give_areason in Room 201.
* Little Sib to Ino
* Has only told Ino and Claudia Donovan
notmyownage about the de-aging thing. Psychics are welcome to pick up on some cognitive dissonance with her; magic types to see that she's under an unknown spell; contact me if you want to get into any greater detail about Scully's bizarre condition.
Chris, AKA Kiki and often Parker, since she's my longest-running character in-game. Online teacher in Wyoming, been playing here at Fandom since the beginning of the game, and I can be reached on AIM at Evieparkfh, and via email at charlieveparker @ I love IM'ing with people but I get overwhelmed in chats, so feel free to ping me with questions if you have them. I also happen to be a Ditz; I have regularly forgotten that Isabel and Zero don't drink (and they've been friends with Parker for going on five years) among other face-palming moments of forgetfulness. If my characters forget something they should know, or more importantly, something they shouldn't know? Feel free to stop me before I ditz again; I'll be happy to edit, change, back up, or erase a comment you're not happy with.
*listens to theme music fade out on the image of a flying saucer, zzooooooom*