Room 201, Tuesday evening

Aug 02, 2011 20:48

Scully had had a great day; decent classes, and then SCIENCE. Lots and lots of science!

She was obsessively compiling her notes and mainlining caffeine now. Sleep was for the weak. She had major breakthroughs to document. It didn't help that her fingers were turning gray around the edges. It made typing more difficult! She needed to get her notes into the computer!... It was an interesting side-effect, that was all, and she'd put a cream on them in a little bit and then drink some more coffee and then think about the amazing unique wonderful rock some more and then possibly she'd sneak down and do some more tests if she could figure out how not to get caught and this was a MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH!

...and if she'd been in her right mind, the fact that her fingernails were turning black would've worried her, but it was just so interesting.

[open as the door is, and Scully's usual brand of obsession has now escalated more than a little. Yup.]

big rock of doom, marshall, peter bishop, claudia, momoko, topher, 201

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