Interview (meme) by batsyx

Oct 26, 2009 07:04

Whilst writing a chapter 8 for my Joker-fictions (working on two, at the moment); one is a het Joker (TDK) / "Harley" with quotes around Harley because it's not typical Harley Quinn, and somewhat based on myself. The other is a slash-fic (homosexual fictional writing between two men, for those of you who don't know about fanfictional terms. I thought I'd write something about myself. Ya know, participate in a meme that batsyx (who, btw, should JOIN these two websites:
(called RacidRainbow.COM)
- AND -

• Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

She asked me:
1) are you planning on dressing up for Halloween? (i'm asking everyone this because I won't be and I wish i could, lol.) Indeed I am dressing up! I may not even leave the house, but I want to see ppl's reactions when they come to my door (or MAYBE I'll go to theirs!) And see what a superfreak I can be. I am ending up going as the TDK Joker, but not with the suit. I am going as super-sexy "Nursie J." My costume consists of this: green hair spray, liquid laytex scars (though not the ones from the movie) even though thry advertised on their website that they had the J-scars, I had to get the closest thing (but anyway, I am a very good makeup / special effects artist .. aterall, I AM a KISS fan! How many times, relatively, do you think I put on makeup? I might just go on Halloween to see "This Is It", maybe.

2) fave song at the moment? "Terror" by My Ruin & "Will You Be There" by MJ. Opposite ends of the spectrum there! How 'bout that?

3) what celeb death has shocked you the most? I would have to say that it's a tie between my tw faves. I totally never expected Heath to die. Ever. But I think his spirit was too free for this world. Michael belonged here. Did he deserve all the shit he got? NO (fucking) WAY! The tabloids, the stupid Pepsi commercial, etc... NO! Nothing his father did for him was EVER good (except getting him & his brothers onstage in that theatre in Harlem). Joe Jackson is the most evil man that I've never met, and I'm so glad for that. MJ deserved to live a real life like a regular human being! He was extraorrdinary but deserved to live a REAL LIFE, goddamnit. And his doctor is an evil fucking person. I'm not sure who is worse: Joseph Jackson or Conrad Murray? But if there is a hell, they should burn in it together. So I guess I cannot decide, because when my brother texted me, I thought he was fucking around w/ me. And when Mom trold me that Heath Ledger died, I cried so long & hard. It was 5 days before my birthday, and I cried all my 25th birthday through, because here was a wonderful man or boy... whatever you prefer, who died only 3 years older than me. Both of them shocked the living shit outta me.

4) what do you think is the most scariest movie ever? I can only tell you the movies that scare ME the most. Someone else may find, "Nightmare on Elm Street" really freaky! But the movies I found freaky: Pet Cemetary (mostly the original), Arachnaphobia (because I hate things crawling out of everywhere), and Edward Scissorhands. Why Edward Scissorhands? Because I saw all those pink/pastel house and how all of them looked too much alike & THAT freaked me out. I saw this poor kid who had scissors for hands, and how much first people were scared of him, came to accept him, and then eventually turned against him. I saw his @ 9 or 10 yrs old. And THAT was when I first realized how cruel humanity can be, how shitty the human race REALLY, REALLY IS! And that freaked the shit outta me!

5) what do you think the craziest / weirdest fandom? I don't think this fandom in particular is weird; I just think it's weird when 40-50 something-yr. old women write about Harry Potter. Espescially the early HP movies (OMG, I'm abbreviating a fandom, much less "Harry Pothead & the Scorcerer's Stoned". I had to make fun of it so no one would think I'm a fan.

I also think hat the Sid & Nancy fandom is very bizarre! I mean, either the movie (made in '86 w/ Gary Oldman & Chloe Webb) or the real story! I mean, what's so sexy about two punk kids who die in their 20s from heroin? Why should THAT be a fandom? I mean, sure, I guess they were "made for each other" & all that, but still. There's nothing sexy about psychotic punk love (regular Punk Love is fine! I had that before!) where it's based around heroin & the SUPPOSED stabbing of Nancy Spungen?! That is so fucked up! I seriously doubt that Sid did it, because he was such a gentle creature! He got his name when Johnny Rotten'sa hamster bit him and he said "Your Sid is vicious." Does that sound like an evil murderer who would stab his girl? I think not!


sid & nancy, friends, scary movies, interview, meme, death, fandom, make-up, music, halloween

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