Jan 02, 2011 10:27
But that's what everyone says, don't they?
I fell off the bandwagon, about 2 years ago. I'm not recovered. I still have my occasional binge/purge sessions. I still have my days counting calories. I still will want that piece of candy so I'll chew and spit. I can't loose any of that because, sadly, that's who I am deep down. What blinded me for the past 2 years is that fact that I thought I have found love. Why is it that love also has to make you so fat?! I weighed myself for the first time in about 7 months last night, and I cried. How could I have let this happen? Where did my control go?
I'm not sure where the control went, but I'm getting it back. Looking back at photos, where I thought I was fat...Ugh, I'd go back to looking like that in a second. I've got to get this taken care of. And I've got to start now. I really am going to need the support. I have been on livejournal in years. I don't know who is even still out there. But I know that you all make me stronger and I really need that.
I want to start of with a really good detox. Rid my body of all the nasty that's been building up. Any suggestions? I have a few in mind...but I feel like the first few weeks are going to be a huge callenge until I start to see results.
Hopefully regularly posting again, will be a good step as well.
XOXO Brooklyn