Tomorrow morning's total lunar eclipse will be the first to fall on a winter solstice since 1638.
I'm being UK-centric here when I say that my first reaction is to wonder whether the coming set of wars in Britain and Northern Ireland will be more civil than
the last lot.
other things happened too. But most of them were... foreign!
I'm all for civil wars. Well, civility. Handing out biccies and nice cups of tea while calmly and reasonably discussing the situation, ensuring that everyone feels heard and respected, and working towards common ground by parking egos and having the courage to change strikes me as rather lovely.
Make tea, not war.
I can go for that kind of revolution. You know, the genuinely revolutionary kind, not the we're-going-to-keep-making-the-same-fundamental-mistake-of-thinking-that-violent-means-don't-result-in-a-mess kind we usually manage to come up with.
Goodness knows I'm an old-fashioned republican (in the British sense) and hold no brief for the Windsors and the whole rotten unequal society. Wars and beheadings, though? We can do better than that. I mean, look where it got us last time - a right old pickle, culminating in the perpetuation of the same old system (with some tweaks).
Wonder what's ahead?
Sorry. Couldn't resist...