Note 1: This is a dual post. Terribly long overdue. This post was saved in my
Semagic app for way too long. I wanted to post about something else right now, not Sim related. Then I felt guilty that I haven't been playing, but still using this LJ which is intended for Sim stuff. So, here's a decent sized update. Just an FYI for anyone who reads this, I have a shit ton of
Dragon Age: Origins screens to post, but I'm editing myself and the photos right now so as not to be a pest to your Friends page.
Note 2: Livejournal apparently doesn't want me linking to Garden of Shadows...?!?!?!?! So I had to remove them all. I don't fucking know why.
SO! Let's talk about Daisy...oh my Daisy. That's Daisy Minihorse. She was just a Sim that I made to be a model when I made my first CC ages ago. Actually, I might not have even made her. I think I just did a random roll of the dice in CAS and she spawned already looking rather odd. She didn't even have any CC on her at the time except her hair, yet she looks like such a cutie oddball. This is her as of today
I've had to re-install many times and am really good about saving things for later. I backed her up to my account in about 2009 and while looking through it a few weeks ago, I added her to my current
Redcliffs. But before I did, I couldn't just add her to some boring apartment, or even a mundane house. I went searching for a home with some personality and remembered a lot that I intended to download when it first came out, but never got around to using: Pipa Surf. Those of you familiar with Garden of Shadows might already have seen it...I believe it was one of the first uploaded lots when TS3 came out. Back when there was no CC. I basically refurbished said lot; made it more sensible to my version of Redcliffs and added Daisy to it. Just to be clear, I didn't make this lot: Armonia at GOS did. I just did my own tweaking.
It's 3 floors but I cut it down to 2. Only Daisy lives here, and a recent new roommate. Cannot remember her name though -_____- *smirks*
SUPER COLORFUL! Made even worse by some new Photoshop Actions I recently added. But it's apt for Daisy. She' freelancing as a Painter and trying to get better at inventing in her spare time, but it's not really work out so well. With so much going on around town, she's spent more time checking out persons, places and things that she hasn't had time to actually work. So, she invited a new roommate to move in.
Small downstairs bathroom I added, because there was only one bathroom in the whole house (one of the most annoying aspects of downloading other people's lots).
There's a glimpse of her roomie. Still can't remember her name. Eh.
Daisy in her PJ's. Hair down + no makeup = no face shots.
Hallway. First door is that roommate's room. Second is Daisy'.
The Jack should speak volumes. She has another secret stash somewhere in the house.
Daisy' room.
Here's to hoping I can FOR ONCE, follow through and continue posting about my Sims' activities.