i KNEW there were some more pictures... uhhhh... here they are courtesy of amanda... gracias chica...
this is amanda and sara in the car... damn 2 of my best friends are so fucking hott... sighz...
woahhh... silly faces + meghannnn...
D money and Gertyyy...
Gracey (my other half; my love; my fellow "normality" club member; the coolest white person in the world; the weirdest black person in the world; basically - my other half.) hmm.. oh yah and brian is in there too..
Gerty... sorrryyyyy.. betty and i were frantically trying to get the whole group picture thing together... it took a wile.. but collecting money and everything was a biiiaaatchh... i didn't know people were THAT bored... hahahaha... betty and i were gone the whole time and thus not in any pictures... =/
ummm.... rite. thats all i have to say...
more of my way too sexay for me best buddies... the 3 amigas... =D
gerty and victor...
brian and amanda...
brian and sara...
joshie q. aberman and sara...
abby and jason
uhhh... we all look so retarded and disoriented after... hahaha...
k these are sooo random pix... kristine nalam you are SOOOO freakin hilarious... luv yah girly..
sexay kinda... and by sexay.. i mean kinky..
and saved the best for last... hahahahah... just kididng just kidding...
Amanda we rock. period. i love you girly. the cool kids we are with the cool dance we do.
i'm really bored so here it goes:
______ME . MYSELF . & I______
[x] they call me: Allie
[x] also: a-money... poopookaka... gracey's other half... one of hte normality club founders...
[x] sex: yes please...
[x] my first breath of air: 1988... 88 pride dude...
[x] status: same as always... SiNgLe
[x] occupation: Student... being the cool kid that i am... and by cool i mean nerdy =D... SHOPPING (gracey and i are CRAZY when we shop... we collect the whole store... try it all on.. go out... find MORE and go back to try more on... and not to mention crawl under dressing room doors cuz we are too lazy to get someone to open them =D)... hmmmm... what else... screwing things up... yah...
[x] nationality: AMERICAN... omg... i am going to go into a long rant... NATIONALITY of ANYONE in the gosh darn united states is AMERICAN... the question is ETHNICITY people... ETHNICITY!!!! so if you are asking my ethnicity... it is... japanese, african american, creek indian, french, italian, hawaiian, and 3 more things that i forget... 9 total tho...
_______TAKE . IT . BAK______
[x] most memorable memory: too many... lots of good times with our "group" at holmes (love yah hayley allison caitlin amanda sara tamar alexandra) and lots in the past year...
[x] worst?: my bestest friend, Paulette, moving away back when we were like 8... and leaving Balboa... i miss those days...
[x] first word uttered: i can't think that far back
[x] first bestfriend ever!?: Paulette, since we were born.
_______fAst fOrward_______
[x] college planning to go to: uhhh... a good one?
[x] future resident of: ::shrugs::
[x] wedding: hmm... iunno
[x] children: i would like 1 girl and 1 boy
[x] looking forward to: summer... houseboat '04... regionals in alaska and nationals in new york... hmm.. yah..
[x] NOT looking forward to: somethign that is going to happen in a couple weeks... some of you know what im talking about
[x] feeling: BoReD... and guilty that i am procrasinating on doing my english essay
[x] Listening: uhhh... The Osbournes...
[x] Talking to: too lazy to list them
[x] doing: this and watching tv
[x] craving: for FRENCH FRIES.
[x] thinking of: the english essay i have to write... andhistory homeork... and Miracle... and hockey...
[x] hating: school and homework
[x] love is: undefined…
[x] first love: None.
[x] current love: GRACE hahahaha... and AMANDA and KRISTINE and... ALL of my friends
[x] love or lust?: ...
[x] best love song: there are just so many out there..
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time?: uhhhhhhh... maybe?
[x] when love hurts, you: what?
[x] true or false: all you need is love: False.
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: i think so maybe.
_______OPPOSITE . SEX_______
[x] turn ons: nice clothes (volcom wearing guys or surfer guys)... nice music taste... hott hair... tall... muscular... plays hockey... not a dumbass...
[x] turn offs: the opposite of that stuff above
[x] what kinda hair style?: either... hott black spikey skater type hair ::drools:: or shaggy blonde surfer hair...
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: i give up, where? ((haha joshie))
[x] are you the type of person to holler n ask for numbers?: hahah.... no.
[x] dog or cat: I hate animals... with all my heart... HATE them.
[x] short or long hair: I have long hair
[x] innie or outtie: innie
[x] sunshine or rain: Sunshine… rain is depressing and i hate it
[x] moon or sun: i like night time
[x] basketball or football: Football
[x] righty or lefty: Righty
[x] hugs or kisses: i woudln't know. sad to say.
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: how about a whole bunch of good friends?
[x] bf/gf or best friend: Best friend… sorry kiddo friends come 1st
[x] tv or radio: tv... i can listen to music on the tv... hahaha... and i live on real world and stuff...
[x] starbucks or jamba juice: starbucks i refuse to drink because it is the BIGGEST waste of money in teh ENTIRE world so i refuse to drink it, plus i hate coffee... and i dont' drink smooties... so no jamba juice either
[x] mcdonalds or burger king: McDonalds!!!! great fries.
[x] summer or winter: Summer
[x] written letters or e-mails: im too lazy to hand write letters.
[x] playstation or nintendo: playstation
[x] disney or nickelodeon: Disney =D BOY MEETS WORLD!!! duhh~~
[x] car or motorcycle: SUV? rite grace?!!?
[x] house party or club: depends on who im with
[x] sing or dance: dance
[x] freak or slow dance: depends on with who
[x] yahoo messenger or aim: AIM duh.
[x] google or ask jeeves?: google
_______RANDOM. 2_______
[x] can you swim?: yessireeee...
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: haha many
[x] whats under your bed?: a LOT
[x] what are you scared of?: not getting into a good college/bombing my SATs/getting bad grades
[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: winning nationals and winning the connecticut polar bear tourney!! =D GO CAL~~ hmm.. and i guess valedictorian of my cool kid middle school...
[x] what kinda roof is over your head: hahaha... oh god what a random question...
[x] do you like tomatoes?: ewww .. no
[x] how many TVs in the house?: 7
[x] how many phones?: 11 house phones... and then 4 cell fones... wow... we are so lazy... we have like 2 phones in every room..
[x] how many residents?: 4 + my housekeeper
[x] last dentist visit: iunno im at a dental office at least once a week tho ((mommy is a dentist))
[x] last doctor visit: some time last month
[x] last phone call: Today.
______YOUR LOOKS______
[x] Hair color: dark brown
[x]. Eye color? Dark brown
[x] Height: 5'5"... and a QUARTER... still taller then brittany martin by that 1/4 of an inch =D
[x] Do u wear contacts or glasses? nope
[x]. Do you have any piercing? uhhhh... used to...
[x] Do you wear any rings/jewelry? yes... jewelry makes me happy
[x]. Do you have a certain fashion you follow? im an abercrombie kind of girl...
______JUST LATELY______
[x] How are you today? ill just go with the usual: "i'm fine"
[x]. What pants are you wearing right now? jeans....
[x]. What shirt are you wearing right now? an abercrombie one...
[x] What does your hair look like at the moment? Down… like always
[x] What song are u listening to right now? still.. the osbournes
[x] How is the weather right now? Haha you really want to know? you swear like i know
[x]. Last person you talked to on the phone? sara
[x] Last Dream you can remember? uhhh... ::shrugs::
[x] Who are you talking to right now? same people as before and then some
[x]. What time is it? i don't know the clock on this computer is wrong
______More about YOU______
[x]. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 1441
[x]. If u were a crayon, what color would you be? pink
[x]. What's the next CD you are going to buy? i never know until i sit there staring at all the cds i can/want to buy and then end up doing eeny meeny miney mo or soemthing
[x] What's the best advice ever given to you? fuck what everyone thinks. ((too bad i can't take that advice))
[x]. Have u ever won any special award? nationals. connecticut tourney championship. valedictorian. didn't we already go over this?
[x] What's the stupidest thing u ever done? dude i've answered these all before
[x]. If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be? everything
[x]. Where do you shop the most? abercrombie/hollister
[x] How many kids do you want to have? omg i already told you... TWO
[x]. Son's name? Cameron or Connor
[x] Daughter's name? Katie
[x] Shampoo? pantene
[x] Do you have your own TV? yah
[x] Do you have your own phone line? no.. cell phone tho
[x] Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? yes
[x] Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone? many
[x] Who do you dream about? everything
[x] Who do you tell your dreams to? who ever they are about
[x] Who's the loudest friend you have? sara?
[x] Who's the quietest friend? hmm... meghan
[x]. Is cheerleading a sport? uhhh... yah i guess... they hafta be strong as all hell to do all those flips and stuff...
[x]. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Many
[x] Which came first, the chicken or the egg? the egg
______YOU and LOVE______
[x] Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? nope
[x]. Do you have a crush? yah
[x] Who is your crush? most of you know already
[x].Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? some island
[x]. Do you find yourself attractive? no
[x]. Do you find yourself ugly? no
[x]. Do others find you attractive? ::shrugs::
______ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only______
[x]. Curly or straight hair? straight
[x]. Six pack or muscular arms? BOTH!!!! ::drools::
[x]. Good or bad guys: somewhere in between
[x]. Hat or no hat? depends on what they are wearing
[x]. tan or no tan? tan
[x].. Dimples or not? dimples are cute
[x]. Stubble or neatly shaven: neat
[x]. What sport should he play? HOCKEYYYYYYY~~ hockey guys are sexay...
______Pick One: THIS OR THAT______
[x]. Lights on/off? uhhh... iunno
[x].. Do u like scary or happy movies better? scary movies if im with certain people... otherwise happy... but like butterfly effect was scary and i thought that movie was good as fuuuuuuckk ((and not just cuz it ws ashton))
[x].. Backstreet Boys or N’SYNC? dashboard or finch?
[x].. On the phone or in person? im shy in person
[x].. Paper or plastic? good question
[x].. Sausage or pepperoni? Pepperoni
[x].. Chocolate or white milk? white milk
[x].. Root Beer or Dr. pepper? i only drink sprite or coke
[x].. Glass half full or half empty? Half empty
[x].. Tape or DVD: DVD
[x].. skiing or boarding? Boarding... duhhhhh...
[x].. Cake or pie? i dont' eat dessert foods
[x]. Diamond or pearl? diamonds are prettier
[x].. Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
____________Your FAVS____________
[x].. Color: black and pink.. yellow.. purple... baby blue..
[x].. food: french fries!!!!
[x].. Fast Food: McDonalds or taco bell
[x].. Candy: jolly ranchers
[x]. Beverages?: yellow gatorade... or sprite or coke...
[x].. Ice Cream Flavor? cookies n cream
[x]. Sport? hockey....
[x]. Animal? i HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE animals...
[x]. number? 89
[x]. Radio station? 106.7
[x]. Band or singer? dashboard or finch
[x]. Fav. Actor or Actress? ashton... chad michael murray... josh hartnett... yup all those hott guys.. hahaha
[x].. Fav.day of the year? saturday
[x]. Store? Abercrombie and hollister
[x]. Scent? the american eagle stuff smells yummy
[x]. Teacher? i hate school... therefore i hate teachers
[x]. Board Game? uhhhh... monopoly?
[x]. Saying? "hahahahahahhaah"
____________HAVE you EVER____________
[x]. Wanted to kill someone? Yes.
[x]. Broke the law? yah... oOoOooo rebelllllllll .. hahah
[x]. Ran from the cops? psshhhh yah rite
[x]. Tried to kill yourself? no
[x].. Made yourself throw up? no
[x].. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yes
uhhh... yah... just pictures for this update... i love how i only update when i have pictures... so sad.... this livejournal is just pictures no trying... ::shrugs:: i am one lazy kiddo when it comes to this i guess... hmmm...
i am dreading the 3rd week of this month.
i heart gracey baek and everythign about her and all the stupid crap we do including crawling under doors to dressing rooms in abercrombie.
life is freakin retarded. end of story.
only ONE person can make me truly happy i guess right now... well... two including gracey... but she's a given.
thats the end. and i used a lj cut. yay for me. people you should be proud.