To say Shuraiya was angry was an understatement; it took every fiber of his being to not call out Kratos on the community and outright destroy him for treating Jacky so cruelly -- the boy didn't know or care the extent of it nor whether or not his sister was at fault, but the fact of the matter was that he left her.
He fucking left her. Any
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God, she had really screwed up.
Jacky lay curled up on the bed, flowers resting in front of her as she stared at them. It was the only thing keeping her from losing it all over. She didn't want to break down in front of Shuraiya. He had already heard more than she wished he had. She should have controlled herself better... but... Kratos...
The pounding at the door caused Jacky to jump slightly. Hearing Shuraiya's voice, she quickly uncurled herself from the bed and went to let him in. She still looked as broken as she felt, but she tried to smile for his sake. "Thank you, Shuraiya," She said
Without hesitation, Jacky wrapped her arms tightly around Shuraiya and buried her face in his chest, taking in as much comfort as she could. She bit back her tears as well, afraid that if she started crying again she wouldn't be able to stop.
He remained there a long time, saying nothing -- he didn't have the right words, only could hold the sister he'd grown to love until she decided to pull away. Gently, he stroked her hair as he once had done for Adelle, threading calloused fingers through the blonde waves -- it had been so, so long since he had been able to let himself be this tender, to anyone.
She stayed like that for as long she could until she was sure she could trust herself not to break down in front of Shuraiya again, and just a little longer for comfort. She pulled away after a moment and looked away from him, slightly ashamed that she had let him see her like this. Kratos was the only other person who ever saw this side of her. And now Shuraiya...
"You didn't need to come... especially after you just left," She told him, breaking the silence.
"Oi," he murmured, mouth set in a firm line, "I can't forget my fellow sister, however far flung 'cross the face of the earth she is, can I?" His frown turned to a soft, genuine smile, one rarely seen on the bounty hunter's lips. "Get your stuff together, we're goin' back to the Grand Line."
"All right, all right. I'll get my stuff," She conceded. She reluctantly pulled away from him, wishing she could just cling to him a little longer, but she did need to get her stuff so they could return to the Grand Line. She had prepared her things earlier when Shuraiya had told her he was coming. She picked up her sea bag, the one she had had with her since she first joined the Navy and had made herself, and slung it over her shoulder.
Before returning to Shuraiya's side she hesitated by the bed. She picked up the white flowers Kratos had left the night before. She couldn't leave them now...
"Ready," She told Shuraiya.
"Good, let's go." He made a move as if to take her hand, but changed his mind and instead draped an arm around her shoulder, leading her out. "We'll sail a while once we get there, then pick what island to go to, 'kay?"
Jacky leaned against Shuraiya, wrapping and arm around him to hold him close. She smiled again at the offer. "That sounds perfect right now."
Instead of letting go, the bounty hunter simply swept her up and lightly set her down in the boat, then -- with an impressive amount of strength -- pushed the ship, Jacky and all, off the gravelly shore and into the water before hopping in himself, his wet boots landing heavily on the newly tarred wood.
"To the Grand Line!" He announced, and the ship shuddered to life, obeying her master's call -- and they were there, bobbing in the vast, glorious sea.
The transfer between worlds was smooth and easy, and the effect immediate. No longer were they sailing on the river near Flanoir, but now they had the whole sea before them. Jacky took in a deep breath. No matter how angry or upset she became in life, the salty smell of the ocean's water would always calm her.
"Shuraiya," She started. "Tell me more about your world." She barely knew anything about the Grand Line. Now she wanted to know more. And the more she thought about this world the easier it was to ignore that empty place in her heart now.
"Sure," he replied pleasantly, fastening the orb to his wrist and holding it up, watching as the needle -- similar to that of a normal compass, used in other parts of the world -- spun until it settled to the northeast and held without so much as a quiver. "This is a Log Pose, I use it to navigate -- the islands here in the Grand Line, they've all got their own magnetic poles, so normal compasses don't work here, they go haywire. Y'gotta get one of these, which directs you from island to island.
"But it's not that easy to get around, 'cause the weather here is fuckin' crazy -- and the islands are tremendously far apart. You'll see as we sail, we'll hit at least two, if not three different kinds'a weather." He paused, realizing that he hadn't designated a place for the ship to go, simply telling it 'the Grand Line' landed him, well, somewhere. Nice going, Shuraiya ( ... )
"It sounds like a challenge to me," She replied to Shuraiya with a grin. How she would love to have her own crew and man her own ship on such waters. Really test herself for once. One day, maybe. For now, though, she was content with being a passenger on Shuraiya's ship.
It took only a hint of the tell-tale whistle of a cannonball hurtling through the air to cause Shuraiya alarm, and he grabbed Jacky and flung them both flat onto the deck, holding her close as they were hit by the spray of the water -- the cannonball had landed several feet shy of the ship, but it wouldn't be the last.
"Shit, shit, shit, I should've paid better attention --" Shuraiya cursed, silently pleading to whatever gods where out there to please not get his fucking ship sank, not right after finishing her expensive repairs. Lucci would never let him hear the end of it -- that is, if he lived. "They've seen my flag, Jacky, they know I'm a bounty hunter-- it's pirates, we' ( ... )
Jacky jumped up to the railing of the ship to look across the ocean. She could see them, the pirates. It sent a thrill through her, one she hadn't felt in months. She pushed aside her worries of Kratos. Right now the ship was her worry, and the approaching pirates.
Looking back to Shuraiya, Jacky grinned widely. It was a genuine grin too. "Then what are we waiting for? It seems they wish to fight after all. It would be rude to disappoint, dear brother." How she had missed this life.
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