my procrastination nearly killed me :|

May 17, 2009 00:32

Okay, so time for an actual entry.

I finished my Nisa paper in about 3 hours \o/
And it's so much fail and bs that I'm hoping that I at least pull a high C on it.
If not...uh idek man.

Finals are coming up and omg D:
Anthropology is just...D:
I have a B in the class so I'm hoping to maintain that.

I think I'm pulling straight B's this semester besides maybe music. I might get an A in that. idk. I mean, straight B's isn't bad. I got two A's, two B's last semester so it's not too big of a GPA drop. 3.8 to what? maybe a 3.5? idk. It's better than my high school GPA that was at best maybe a 3.4?

Who known. But yeah.
Fanime's coming up so soon. Holy crap. It's freaking amazing, like.
I don't even know what to think.
I'm not too excited though. I'm more stressed out than anything, actually.
I have so much crap to finish and just...ugh. I still need to stop in a Michaels and pick up some baby blue ribbon to hot glue onto my jacket and tie.

And I need to get the pants trimmed because lol, I'm not tall.
SIGH. So much crap to do.

school, fanime, stressed, grades, real life, omg, anthropology sucks

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