(no subject)

Aug 14, 2011 03:05

Hello livejournal, how have you been?

It has been some time since I've actually written something that wasn't on paper or wasn't something rp-related and it feels weird to be writing something like this to be quite honest.

Nothing new to report in my life besides the fact that I did get into UCSD. I start on September 22 (roughly I think) and I still haven't registered for my classes because they apparently want their transfers to register late :| August 24th is my registration date and I hope to fuck I get all three of my classes.

The one I'm most nervous about is going to be my communication class. Starts at 8 and ends at 9:20, leaving me 10 minutes to get to my International Studies class that's located on another part of the campus. I don't know how the fuck that's going to work out but I NEED it to work out. Otherwise I don't know what I'm going to do.

But that's the major thing that's been stressing me out lately. That and feeling replaced. Idk. It's a weird feeling that disappears and reappears. I can't help it, I just feel like I'm very easily replaceable in people's lives. I don't do much, I don't offer much. I guess it's kind of true?

But whatever. If I'm replaced, I'm replaced. I don't really care. More like I can't bring myself to I guess. The level of apathy in me has increased again. Maybe I'll start caring sometime again but right now I can't be half-assed to.

this is return of the grace, lack of social life, grace is tired, school, stressed, real life, grace needs to sleep, grace is bored, grace is a dumb ho

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