[A green light and high-pitched ringing precedes a face coming into view, too close at first, and then pulling away to reveal ridiculous floppy hair and a blue bowtie. The journal is clearly propped up against something to record.]
OOOOH! [a loud, excited voice, not a hint of fear or uncertainty] Wonderful! Working again, eh! Good, good, excellent
Read more... )
Oh, have you been introduced to the guide yet?
The guide [She leans in and fiddles with the journal for a moment, eventually linking the doctor to this]. Job done, she leans back into a normal sitting position. was written by one of Luceti's current residents to help newcomers become accustomed to Luceti. I for one was very grateful to be shown it very soon into arriving here.
As for why there needs to be a guide? Well, there's a lot to explain. It can be a little overwhelming. Disorienting. It would probably be best if you read that and asked me about specific points that interested you.
[She can hear the dismissive tone in his voice -- he seems about ready to give up on the guide, and of course she doesn't expect that he could have read it all by now.]
Here, I'll give you the cliff notes.
The main things you need to go to get you going are these;
You, me, and everyone who you will encounter here is hopelessly and utterly trapped. Secondly, every few weeks Luceti - this place - is subject to an experiment. The people around here call them "Shifts", the effects of which are highly varied. You could be turned into a frog or made to speak only in Spanish for however long they had the mind to make you. For the most part, though, they leave us alone. People seem to be living their lives well enough. We have food, houses, furniture... And everything here is free, so that's something.
Is that so! I like free, always a bit rubbish with intergalactic currency, exchange rates fluctuate so much that I just can't be expected to keep track of it all. 'Course, the TARDIS usually takes care of that for me, but, well, problem of the moment, isn't it? But on to more interesting things--Thursday Next? But that's a wonderful name, like a name out a book.
Case and point, this man's uncanny personality -- It falls easily within the scope of the old adage. As the saying goes: If you want to get into SpecOps, act kind weird.]
You know, with all due respect I think I'd really rather not. I can barely remember him as it is - you know?
[She waits for his reaction anxiously, though her demeanor does not noticeably shift.]
[he puckers his lips and taps his chin, thinking.]
[She had expected him to push the Colonel Next point. She has never known the Chronoguard to be experts in subtlety, and this gives her pause. Not enough to trust him, but enough to question her suspicions.]
First time I showed up. If there's a common factor, though, I'm thinking it's something meta-Luceti. Or at least, meta-me. I don't mean to suggest you should give up - just don't expect a breakthrough right away.
[Literary terms. She thinks in them.]
[he sighs and puffs out his cheeks.] Worst of it is, even if I leave, I won't remember a damn thing.
[A certain other space-doctor had told her as much as well - but at that time she hadn't been in a fit state to listen. She had dismissed him unfairly, but nothing without reasoning to herself that the claim involved a logical fallacy.]
What makes you so certain?
It sounds as though you needn't worry about your friends, then, doesn't it?
I mean if you're expecting to return with no time passed then it stands to reason that they wouldn't notice you'd gone at all. More than that, though, you wouldn't notice either - what with losing your memories. All of that being true - and I'm not saying that it is - but if I'm following you?
It'd be safer for them if they didn't come here. Right?
[if it seems like he's talking to himself, well...he is! it's how he thinks, apparently, though his frustration with the lack of answers is getting increasingly obvious. He snaps his fingers]
And that's the problem. Even under some sort of mass psychosis, led into believing it's true, I would know, there's always a tell, always something, but I can't see it, and I'm slowing down. And the longer I'm here the more I'll slow down--but that's the problem! If I do leave, how do I help what I can't even remember? They said I was here before, with the, you know--[he looks ( ... )
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