"What lies behind the move is among the most brazen vindictiveness ever shown in the political life of Singapore. It merely adds one more nail in the coffin of the PAP's reputation when the true history of the party will be exposed to the world, as it surely will be one day in the coming decades." - Devan Nair, former President of Singapore.
Devan Nair was right. That day has finally come. Singaporeans have stood up and realized the lack of freedom of speech, the stifling authoritarian rule of the PAP.
I'm sorry it had to take this to make us all sit up and realize what a government we have. I'm sorry that I thought Dr Chee Soon Juan was a raving lunatic because the media portrayed it that way. He isn't; he is just another man who has been passionate about standing up for his principles and values. I am sorry that even if PAP garners a clean sweep, Singaporeans will be so discontented, but they will continue working doggedly like the hardworking people they are.
This election, 82 out of 87 seats are being contested. If that doesn't tell you anything, the calibre of the opposition candidates must. So many of them, former scholars, former civil servants, former military officers, these were the people who would once join PAP, not anymore because like so many of us, they have seen and felt the need for change.
In 8 hours time, we take to vote. I don't know what will happen. To be honest, I am frightened of what the PAP will do if no opposition is voted in. I am afriad that PAP will open the flood gates again, and worsen our woes. I am worried that LKY will start scheming, and let these FTs become citizens easily so that they will outnumber us and vote for PAP in the next GE.
I want to share this video. Hearing the national anthem makes me hope that someday, we'll have a government who won't always find the need to bring in truckloads of foreign talent because we are good enough, but only if we have the chance to prove ourselves. And that one day, we will have a government who respects an alternative view, who would have respected Presidents like Devan Nair and Ong Teng Cheong.
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