Dec 30, 2004 16:33
WOW..Thats all I can say about this vacation! So much stuff has been going on. Me and Pedro are no longer a "thing".Thank God!! If you dont know what happend then ur one out of a million that are out of the loop cuz I'm not explaining it again! lol. Well after the Petey thing Ashley Chaffee took me out on the town. We went everywhere! Did errands for her dad and then I met her friend Alex, What a sweetheart!! She spent the night at my house and then the next day we just kind of layed around. I've been working my ass off cuz I have nothing else to do. Christmas was fun because all my cousins came down from Orlando and we went up to Cape Coral with my sister in her NEW CAR!! hah Its about freakin time she got a new one. Her old one was a POS!! We went to my uncle's house and had Wonderful Puerto Rican food...yummmm!!! Yesterday Katie came and picked me up and we went over to Amandas house to try and do our 2 dances...that went well..not! haha oh well, I had fun over there. Tyfani went out of town for like 10 thousand years..she just got back last night. Her mom didnt have to work today so they came and picked me up. We went to eat lunch and we went bowling!! I kicked Tyfani's ass!!! Which isnt hard to do because she cant Love ya girl! We went and got Starbucks..The usual! I think tomarrow I'm going out with my friend Jess for New Years. Hopefully I'll have fun tomarrow night. Nothing illegal..I promise!! Dont wanna get coded and then get kicked off of the cheerleading squad. That would sooooo suck! Ok well..Thats enough..Bye!!
Mighty Mouse