LaFayette, I have returned.

Jan 04, 2008 11:18

By chance and the fees of thousands of dollars the wind has blown some of the grains, so very slowly, back to the spots where they used to rest en masse. I know this because it's obvious, because my face is a little less murderous and my reflexes a little more quick; my eyes are capable, now, of seeing connections rather than spotlighted shapes.

Sometime during the fragmentation I either forgot reckless amounts or learned to lose the past that had prior to been tailing me with an oddly fierce motivation. I don't know how it happened, but it did. And I'm grateful for that. I am capable, now, of viewing memories fondly (or indifferently, or comically) rather than dropping to my knees in their uninvited presence. Thus it looks to be the latter.

I still know, however, that there are things about myself that I cannot change, no matter how much effort I exert, and there are still grains that will disperse into the environment, only to stick to the careless feet of couples on vacation, and then be swept away in a flow of water and taken into the pipes under a hotel. It is not something that is limited to defining me, no no. I've made amends.
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