Dec 23, 2008 22:57

  • mom made food I like /u\ I've been living on popcorn and dairy products cos I'm too lazy to make myself food, sob
  • my kitten aoi/blue/chibi ahh so cute vvv
  • finallllyyy got myself new layouts for LJ and DA. my journal header is *~*fabulous*~*
  • saw spiderwick
  • new hetalia scanlations OH, FRANCE I LOVE YOU SO
on another note, what the fuck is wrong with my country.
last week a tour bus with 50+ russian tours fell out of the rode, and 27 of them were killed. why? the driver tried to pass the bus infront of him.
so 26 people were killed cos the driver is a jerk.
this week a woman was murdered by her husband. thing is, she DID call the police several times this year and the same day of the murder a social worker called the police and TOLD them that woman was in danger.
but nothing. also apparently the husband hung himself and his body was discovered today.

...sadly, there's more from last week and more from only the past 3.5 months orz

and my country's average in math for is below 50 orz I WANNA MOVE OUUTTTT

andand yesterday I was reading world news to get some ideas for more hetalia stripes and I ran into an article.
British doctors found out that sometimes sneezing has something to do with thinking about sex.
England stripe yessss

news, meme

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