very lame apparently!
ok so I went out with my friends today and we were at TA as usual '3'
only this time its passover, and well the news and the radio said tomorrow will be like 30-40 degrees celsius so SO MANY PEOPLE WERE OUT HOLY SHIT and it's Dizengoff Center in TA so OBVIOUSLY IT WILL BE FLOODED but no it wasn't hahaha
there was a new potato sjop there and I ate there twice today IT WAS REALLY GOOD I love potatos ;3;;
then we decided to go the nearby market and as we got closer to it, the more people we saw ahah;; and no place to sit ;_; my back was killing me for like 2+ hours hhhnggh
tho I was the only one to watch the news yesterday so I really wanted to see the new wall painting and dragged my friends all over that street. in the end it was kinda small and my friends hit me for wasting time LOL;
the market itself was incredibly crowded, I mean we were able to actually reach the stands so it was kinda good but its like a really narrow alley
with a lot of people in it
and reaching the stands wasn't worth it if the minute you stand next to it, the flow pushes you away lol and so many people smoking! dodging cigarettes all day e___e getting burned twice by a cigarette is enough ty
also there was a store where I saw
I AM SUCH A NERD AHAHA it was really expensive for shoelaces too I'm so stupid ;_;
i've proven it two days in a row too haha wow