Wow, the scores were pretty tight up there at the top. Picking mod's choice this week was hard again. Stop making such beautiful icons, guys! LOL no, please don't stop. I'll just deal with having a hard time choosing just one icon. XD
There were 3 mysteries eaten this week.
Mysteries Eaten
Sorry to see you go, but Neuro says your mysteries were a very tasty appetizer. Hope to see you next round.
People's Choice
#22 with 10 points
Mod's Choice
#11 I love the texture use in the icon and how it really adds depth to a simple b&w icon. The crop really adds to Nill looking over her shoulder.
If there's a / in your tally, the number after it is extra crits which are not worth any points.
01. 2 / 2
02. 5 / 2
03. 0 / 2
04. 6 / 2
05. 6 / 2
06. 3 / 1
07. 8 / 1
08. 3 / 2
09. 0 / 4
10. 9 / 1
11. 8 / 2 12. 5 / 1
13. 4 / 2
14. 9
15. 1 / 2
16. 1 / 3
17. 5 / 1
18. 6
19. 6 / 2
20. 0 / 2
21. 8
22. 10
Icon table is
If you would like your crits, please comment with your icon number and/or identity. If you did not receive any just ask and I will write one for you. If you did get some crits, but would like an additional one you're welcome to ask for one from me as well.
Logs are
Next challenge will be posted soon. :D