1. Obama won. *_* That's awesome. I thought I would have more to say, but I lack the eloquence, so I'm just going to say that I'm happy about this. xD
2. The latest 'Can!Johnny' was awesome. Omigosh, Yoko and Ryou make an interesting team. You can't shut Yoko up, but Ryou barely says anything, and sometimes when he does say something, it's not that coherent (and the Shirei Can took him to task over it, too XD).
I loved Yoko in this episode.
a) He asks this elderly man for directions to Kama no Mizu.
The man doesn't know where it is, so he can't help them.
Then Yoko randomly says, 'Otousan, your eyebrows are fantastic!'
The guy laughs, and says, 'My eyebrows have nothing to do with this.'
lol, Yoko, wtf. They are nice eyebrows, though.
b) He randomly shouts 'OOKURA!' at the camera while they're talking about the 'kura' they have to pass by to get to Kama no Mizu.
lol, surprised Ookura.
Ryou: 'Eh?'
Yoko: 'I decided I was going to say 'Ookura' once when we were talking about the cellar.'
c) He tastes water with passion. WILD YOKOYAMA!
Hina: 'He's an idiot.'
I loved it. Yoko ♥
3. Katou Natsuki on Doumoto Kyoudai. I love her, and I laughed so hard during this episode.
Favourite part:
Natsuki: 'I can't stand it when guys sit like an oneesan.'
Tsuyoshi: 'Oh, like this?'
Natsuki: 'GROSS.'
So every male on set joins in on the fun.
Tsuyoshi: 'Come here, Natsuki~'
Natsuki: 'Next question, please~!'
They finally stop doing it, and she says that she once broke up with a guy immediately after he sat like that. Whoa, harsh. XD
Tsuyoshi: 'What if a guy sat like this on the back of a bycicle?'
Natsuki: 'That's OK. I would just think he was a strange person ...'
I LOVE DOUMOTO KYOUDAI. Then she did an Akita prefecture lesson (she's recently been declared the tourism ambassador of the prefecture), and during the lesson, they all sat on the floor like oneesans again, and got one of the audience members to join in. XD
After they stopped torturing her, she taught them some Akita-ben. They kept purposely misunderstanding what the phrases meant.
'Kore nagede.'
Natsuki: 'Does anyone know what this means?'
Tom: 'Oh, I got it. It means, 'Watashi wa Obama-shi wo shiji shite imasu.' ('I support Obama.')
Tsuyoshi: 'I was thinking that too ...'
Natsuki: 'C'MON!'
Tsuyoshi and Tom: 'We're wrong?'
Natsuki: 'Kansai-jin!'
Tsuyoshi: 'Oh. 'Watashi GA Obama-shi wo shiji shite imasu.''
Tom: 'Oh, that's it?'
Tsuyoshi: ''Watashi GA', right?'
Natsuki: *no words*
Kouichi: 'Oh! 'Watashi wa! Obama ... desu.''
Turns out 'Kore nagede' means 'kore sutete te', 'throw this out', or, in Kansai-ben, 'hokashite'. She taught them more after that, and they were serious students then. XD And she made them say some of the phrases while posing for the camera. Though Kouichi had to say one of his in Kansai-ben ultimately; he couldn't get his tongue around some of the Akita-ben.
I loved it. So much. I need more KinKi Kids in my life. XD
4. Pi sings his new solo 'MOLA' entirely in English.
WHY THE SPANISH TITLE THEN? LOL. OR WAIT. IS THIS SECRET ENGLISH OR SOMETHING? Oh, Pi. I hope it came out OK. He is keen on English lately. Sticking it in his J-Webs, in his drawings in Wink Up. Anyway. I cannot wait to hear this. Me mola Yamapi. ♥ xD
5. Sakamoto Maaya is in the process of recording a new album. ♥ *_*