Sep 01, 2004 16:09
i was telling my mom about how we got to make out with the manniquins and like.. i was like.. why dont we just do it with real people. haha. then she was like.. well what if you screw up because you odnt know how to do it.. i was like.. err. they dont really need it.. we can just.. practice. then she..i dont know.. said something. so i was like.. ooh. it would be awesome if i had corye in my class. then she started talking about i could clear his air way with my tounge and i dont know.. all this weird shit. shes.. fucked up..
em der..
um. i needa call jessica. i was supposed to like.. 10 minutes ago. BUT.. david was at game junkie.. with the car. so.. i had to wait for him to get home. so.. yeah. when he did.. we left. then had to go to ameristop and all this shit so.. im finally home.. but.. sitting here.. writing. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?
so.. anyway.. im going to call her..
well. yeah..
i wonder whts wrong wiht my brother and ashley. they just.. sit there. not tlaking.. just.. sitting. not together.. they've been really weird lately.. and. he's been all pissy.. it just. sucks.
he needs sex or soemthing..