Soaked a vanilla bean in a cup of milk for two days. Unintentional, but the milk has wonderful brwon ripples in it when I finally took it out to use it. The ice cream itself remains the best vanilla ice cream I've ever had. I have to find a way to make the ice cream creamy without leaving my mouth coated with fat. While the ice cream is very good, it is somewhat unpleasent afterwards. I've read that guar and xanthum gum have synergistic effects in tersm of their fat suspending technology, so perhaps I'll get some xanthum gum and start experimenting. I'll need to get a very fine scale to start measuring it though, as I imagine the "bit on the end of a spoon" method is not very scientific.
For breakfast I had a jack cheese omelette and a slice of tomato between two pieces of lightly toasted rye. Rye is such an excellent sandwich bread, although I should have used a sharper cheese with it.
I find it interesting how people hear such things and say, "wow, you can cook." I do not perceive myself as having any great skills in the area of cookery. Indeed, when people suggest such things I immediatly compare myself to
unrequitedthai and his unabashed love for food. While I can follow a recipe and am frequently confident enoough to recognize them as the suggestions they are, I don't think I have quite the... heart to be a truly good cook.
On the other hand, if y'all are impressed with my meager attempts who am I to argue?