Tracking post

May 08, 2009 18:09

Day 41:

M??, intro
After being killed by Hyoma, Tenzen awakens in Landel's institute. After a number of confusing yet small events, he finds himself almost dragged towards the cafeteria.

Cafeteria, Breakfast
Tenzen meets Methos. He learns a little about the institute, but remains skeptical. He also learns what an intercom is.

Courtyard, 2nd shift
After reading the Primer that had been on the board, Tenzen is led into the courtyard where he meets Starscream.

Cafeteria, Lunch
Tenzen meets Takaya, who teaches him how to eat with a fork and knife.

Sun Room, 4th shift
Tenzen spends this shift by himself.

M98, Dinner
Tenzen meets his roommate; Alfred Pennyworth. They talk a little about the insitute, and Tenzen learns what a flashlight is.

Bulletin Board:

Iga and Kouga?
Tenzen decides to investigate whether anyone has heard of either Iga or Kouga. One person replies and claims to be 200 years from his future.

Night 41

Moving Posts: 01, 02, 03
After the night finally falls, Tenzen ventures out into the hallways. Though he is a bit skeptical of the stories he has heard during the day, he tries to locate a way outside and see how far he will be able to get out of these "unescapable" institute. He is somewhat surprised that moving through these halls is proving to be rather easy.

Recreational Field
Tenzen manages to reach an outside area, yet he is nearly ran over by a certain metal 'creature'. The situation soon escalates and Tenzen finds himself having to retreat as the creature transforms into a metal giant. Though Tenzen successfully reaches the door leading back inside, he is hit by a surge of electricity...

West Wing, North Hall 1-B
As he tumbles into the hallway, Tenzen finds himself temporarily paralyzed. Barely able to get into a sitting position, he has little choice but to wait until the effects wore off. To his frustration, the creature within his body doesn't respond. After regaining the feeling in his body and standing up, he is approached by a young boy asking for directions. Tenzen mocks him a little before offering directions, but instead of following them the boy suddenly runs outside.

West Wing, South Hall 1-B
Tenzen meets a man named Brook, who is rather loud and annoying. However, Tenzen attempts to get more information out of Brook regarding monsters, yet the attempt doesn't prove to be too fruitful. Eventually, Brook decides to accompany Tenzen.

Main Hallway, 1-West
To Tenzen's...surprise, Brook offers to sing a song. In return, Tenzen scolds the man for his ignorance until the night ends.

tracking, !ooc

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