Late night phone conversation with Dad: "If I take the meds I can't go outside, but that's the only reason why I'm taking them in the first place." Allergy season catch-22. Is Claritin the end all be all of summer relief?
Spent most of the day in bed, got up to inflate the tires on Ross. Got it out of storage, after 9 months. Then finally finished Conspiracy. Did not have time for Korean, settled for junk food instead.
You remember red roadie Ross. Bought it off this woman who posted on CL, five years ago. Stop me before I start being all maudlin about rides and such. Speaking of, this photo on
winchesta, well, I remember finding these two junkers and trying to restore them to ride-worthiness until being thwarted by not having this part or that tool. Would that I had sense and patience to strip them for spares first before sending them to discarded bike heaven. Bigtime sigh.
Early email from Chermovsky, who's looking for a ride. Dearth of proper suitables of course, my heart now aches over the old skool Dutch bike
wot? her neighbor two flats ago was going to give her. The likes of which are fetching ~200 bucks on same list. For shame, you price inflationists FOR SHAME!
House marathons are all over the place.
I was okay for most of the day, then after the rains ended I suddenly feel (there's no word for it Not sure why. Low blood sugar compounded by lack of exercise and no sun oh me oh my. Tomorrow will be better.