The internets they bring many good tidings!
It was a boring day week, no month when I was running out of the anti-ennui and decided to check out yon local public libr, and found my salvation in a slim volume of TMCM in the graphic novels section. Since then, whenever I feel like the world's going to end, or some planet's in retrograde (whatever that means), I click on over to
tmcm for some not really helping but what the hey brand of upful groupvine.
Have you heard of
Dishwasher? Me neither. Until tonight that is. Now it's in my hold queue at the PL. There's a few more (
Spook Country hellyeaaaah!) that I'm holding my breath for, fer sure.
Speakin of bookses, librarything bookdata.csv import > goodreads = nein! Goodreads is very user-friendly though. In the continuing search for online book cats, this latest find might just be the winner. OR could open up the ~200 entry cap for free accounts? Keep breathing.
aurgasm features 2 tracks from Moonbabies. From what I've heard so far, the duo bridges the gap between dream pop and shoegaze. I offer you these two more tracks:
cocobelle and
weekend ago-go. Pretty sweet yeah?
AllPeers combos with the 'fox. Massive up, fellas. Massive. Related:
Camino 1.5 out for le Mac.
With what is sure to spark some interesting dinner conversation the next time I see my folks, I'll make sure to bring printouts of
this to show Mr Medical Man (aka Dad). Thanks
make_podcast cites
kinetic gizmos (gee whiz giz protos, really). Among them a digital non-electric camera that's kind of a cool idea.