Old People...

Mar 18, 2010 11:17

Old people should not be allowed to do the following:

--Order items from Ann Taylor because they are too dumb to return the package to us and think UPS can magically do this for them. No, you won't get a refund. All that's going to happen is that UPS will return it to the sender (another store) and they'll get this random package they won't have any idea of what to do with.

--Open credit cards with Ann Taylor because not paying your bill because you didn't receive your statements is no one's fault but you're own. If you order several items, and don't receive a statement it is your responsibility as an adult to call up the credit card provider and figure out why not and if you owe a balance. Our stores are not directly affiliated with this bank (and yes, if you look at the card holder terms and agreements you would see this!) and we have no control over the terms they put on their cards. Nor are we responsible at the store level for your stupid. So yes, because I'm nice and you're annoying, I will call them and ask them to remove your late fees. They did as a one time courtesy. Now, you're still going to owe interest and you're still going to owe a balance. When I inform you to make your minimum payments as to avoid incurring more late fees the correct response is:

A) "I'm too broke for that! I just moved into this expensive apartment and I can't afford anything right now! I can't make minimum payments!"
B) "Okay, I'll make sure to keep up with my payments of $5-$10 per month! Since I am an adult and I am responsible for that."
C) "Well this is your fault, so shouldn't you just waive everything."

Well, B would be the correct response, but since you chose A and C I kinda want to punch you. No, it's not our fault. It's still your fault because you were too lazy to call the card provider when you didn't receive statements, gave your items (YES! you paid for them so they are your responsibility to make sure they are returned properly) to UPS to do whatever with and never informed our store, and it's your God damn credit card. NONE of this is our fault.

And clearly, you aren't too hard up for cash if you can buy $100 pants and skirts.

And why did you wait until March to talk to us about a problem that happened in December?

I hate you.
Go away.
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