Aug 28, 2006 18:15
Well, now that my folks have discovered my blog six months after its inception, I suppose I should update!
I generally apologise for the large gap in posts; Zomania has been an exceptionally busy place of late. On top of five essays and seven tuts and all, its just been packed with commitments, minor problems and the occasional anxiety attack. And I’m not entirely sure where the time goes. Its already the second last week of term. My memory has been slipping of late though…Graham has to keep reminding me that I said or promised something and it’s become rather embarrassing.
My goal is to get to 12pm Friday, when everything is sorted, handed in and forgotten until I get it back. But two essays are done, leaving me with three, one of which is half done and I intend to finish tonight.
For the amount of things going down in my life, I can’t really think of much to say. Its SRC election week and we’ve been inundated with thousands of multi-coloured ads, slogans of varying intelligence and fake greetings from people who want to get voted for. I’d run for the hell of it, just to see if I’d get in. I personally don’t feel anything for the SRC, who get laughed at at the best of times and are really more of an admin organisation that a force for change. A lot of people are only doing it to beef up their CVs, which I think is supremely shallow. I believe that my future will take care of itself as long as I show dedication and passion for something. I don’t think I’m cut out for the corporate world anyway. I’ll either be a starving writer or teacher.
Ah! I had an epiphany this week. I’m going to drop Politics and keep History. I think my mind is more geared towards the latter…I’m a little too hard-headed and stubborn to really be in the oily world of politics…I reckon I’ll go into teaching and make a difference that way. But it does pain me to drop Politics…I do so love it. But I didn’t break myself doing an extra subject this year so that I could work hard next year. I plan to take English and History as my majors and Classical Civilisations as an arb. I would take Greek but they don’t offer it. I don’t want to do three majors. I want to do all the stuff I missed out on this year because of working so hard. So, bye Politics. But history does overlap with it sometimes, so I’m not too bothered.
The Dojo Heroes game is coming along very nicely! My single opening chapter has spawned about thirty or forty posts (some of which are mine) and its giving everyone a wonderful platform to explore their writing talents. I reckon that I was very lucky to meet my mentor and big sister Molly; the least I can do is ensure that that energy and wisdom gets passed on. The growth in my writing has been phenomenal, and that’s because of the positive encouragement I get from Molly, Jo, Mom and Christina. And my Daddy too…he’s going to help me publish my book someday. Its difficult to find a family encouraging something as seemingly frivolous as a writing career, but they have huge faith in me, which keeps me at it when I have that block thing going on. I’m exceptionally luck to live in a creative family, even though they’re all repressed artists.
Plans for my week:
Tonight: Do Linguistics tut (yuck) and finish history essay. Should be another 8 pages to go.
Tomorrow: Do English paragraph for Midsummer’s Night Dream. Start and finish essay on Heaney poetry.
Wednesday: Do Politics and Linguistics tuts and start and finish Linguistics essay
Thursday: TRAINING!!!! Get back, check all essays three times each. Print. Go to bed.
Friday: Hand in essays and hope that sanity will return shortly.
The next person to call a BA degree a bugger-all degree will get a flogging unlike anything seen by mankind since Adam slapped Eve around about that apple.
Speaking of flogging, currently listening to lilting Irish rock band named Flogging Molly. Well, that and a mixture of Anti Flag (political punk rock), Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Japanese rock/rap, Nickleback and some arb stuff from here and there. And some Barenaked Ladies.
Well, work beckons. I’m still gunning for my record so will be up for quite a while.
A nap now might be in order.
Anyway, get thee to a desk, wench!
PS: Discovered that my name day is a floating one…well, according to one website, and placed it 28th April this year. The other one placed it at 18th December. Saint Zoë, Zoi or Zois, whichever you prefer.