Nov 23, 2006 11:48
Much has happened since the last blog!
Bad news out the way first. On Tuesday night our puppy Shadow was knocked over. The people who hit her at least stopped and were very sorry, but my Mom didn’t crap them out. Shadow is absolutely liquid in the dark…you can’t see her and its understandable that the people in the car didn’t. Was just one of those freak moments where my Mom was pulling into the driveway and there were no cars at the time, but the other dog Puma started barking, Shadow got excited and by the time Mom had managed to pull in and try calm the dogs a car had come. I live on one of those suburban roads that gets treated like a drag strip and people go really fast down there.
Shadow bravely tried to hang on until the vet, but she died on the way there. She will be missed by us, her energy and cuteness and playfulness…but my Mom says that the other animals are happy that she’s gone. Horrible. We don’t plan to get anymore pets…that was the third dramatic death in that house…and we also lost both our Japanese fighter fish. Well, the female killed the male by chasing him into a shell he couldn’t get out of…but still. No more pets. I’ll get my mom some fake glass fish or something for Christmas.
I wrote Ling on Tues and English Drama today. Ling went decently, there were only a few things I couldn’t fill in but I think I can scrape a high 60, maybe even a 70! The Japanese questions were dodgy but I think I handled them well enough. Drama was interesting. I answered all the essays and I’m confident about them, but strangely I didn’t like the paper as much as everyone else. I guess that’s because I enjoyed the poetry paper and nearly everyone hated it so this one is fantastic in comparison.
Fantastic news now! I came top in the History 102 class out of 303 pupils! I got 84% for my term mark, though I think the exam will also be somewhere there. I feel really good about that and that I make my parents proud means even more. Then, bummer, 65% for Philosophy essay.
Been playing this DotA…online multi-player Warcraft. Single player is also awesome, and huge props must go to the programmers for its brilliance! A certain Neko is disappointed by my foray into DotA (Defence of the Ancients) but I’ve only played 5 games, so still have n00b (newbie) status. Besides, gaming has always been close to my heart and there will always be time for drawing and writing. I have stuff that needs to be drawn soon too…
Hmm…that’s all the momentous information. Still haven’t heard about Celeste house comm., but I can wait. Going to training tonight because I feel like a horrible blob and all fat.
Still have insomnia, I think for about two weeks now. And no afternoon naps. I’m sure there’s something wrong with running on about max four, five hours sleep (usually less) for so long. I reckon its because my days are slow. Usually, I’m up at seven, eightish, at lectures til four or five, on average, go to training or Neko, do homework then bed. In between all this is lots of running around, errands, tutorials, general stress. I used to collapse into bed and pass out in a minute at about 2. Now…I get into bed at a reasonable hour only to stare at the ceiling with the same song stuck on loop in my head. Ah, well. Will sort it out when I go home…this time next week I’ll be finishing my philosophy exam and then spending an afternoon with The Graham, who is being his wonderful self and staying in this town two extra days just to be with me! :D He’s wonderful like that, and in a thousand other ways.
Mental note. I must get boxes to pack all my stuff into.
Well, lunch beckons, then I’m going to perhaps have an after-lunch game of The DotA (and try get rid of n00b status) before I start my prose studying. Maybe I’ll be so tired after training that I’ll be asleep by ten.
Yay! Lunch!