Oct 29, 2006 13:54
I want to start a band. And I will call it ‘Zoë and the Bodice-Rippers’. I think its an awesome name, and my linguistics tutor gave it to me.
The week has been interesting, and so has the weekend. The week was spent planning a surprise party for my beloved and it went fantastically well! I had to get hold of a lot of people and realised how popular dear Evol is. In any case, it went without a hitch. The weather held, he had no clue what was going on and everyone had lots of fun. The forumites are pretty cool people once you get to know them. They played lots of games, and us goju people rolled around a bit and showed off. I had a great time organising it and it was worth all the effort, it really was. I had a t-shirt made for him, with ‘Tsukurimashou!’ written on the front and my art on the back. (Mental note: I must iron that shirt) and I made him a huge card and got him a big bag ‘o Chappies. Always a good gift.
And, HUGE thanks must go out to Tally, Mark, Martin, Ashley and Ella for helping me mastermind the party. These sort of things don’t just fall into place without help and delegation. Of course, being the daughter of party animals means that I know a few tricks about organisation, and namely the most important things about parties are: planning and intelligent delegation. And not getting neurotic. Ella and I were joking about me turning into Monica from Friends but since I wasn’t planning things in half-hour segments and saying “at oh-eight hundred hours…”
Went to the career counsellor on Friday. He basically told me that I have no career literacy and it would be to my benefit to pick up four subjects instead of three next year. HELL NO. I just checked the timetable checker, and I have too many clashes for that to be viable. And I am not taking some stupid subject just to have an impressive CV. I want to focus next year, after spreading myself so thin this year. I don’t want to spend weekend after weekend locked up with my nose in smelly library books like I did this year. I have three committees that require my dedication and a wonderful boyfriend and amazing friends that I don’t spend nearly enough time with. It’s a novelty to spend time with them, even this late in the year. I can easily do a post-grad degree in marketing or advertising or 3 years extra will give me an LLB. Not that I want to go into law or anything, but I’ve got the marks and all so it’s always an option. I was just pissed at how he was basically dictating my life so that I can be marketable. Whatever. I won’t do things because they look good on my CV. That’s SHALLOW and pointless because I’ll hate every minute of it and do it badly. And while I do realise this is a somewhat pigheaded and arrogant attitude to have, I don’t think I want to endure being a sub-warden because it’ll beef up my CV. I’d rather be a brilliant Chair-Admiral for Aikido and work hard there than deal with res politics. By Zeus, this res has got cliques of note. And I’m not in any of them, so yay for me.
Oh, fun and games this week with politics essay. Ella and I worked on it every night and yet it was still late on Friday afternoon. The only essay we handed in late this year (except for my incident at the English department) but we were past caring. It’s been a long, LONG year. I handed in well over 20 essays this year. Enough. I have to hand in the plagiarism report on Monday…mental note.
Went exploring around Grahamstown this week while helping people find presents for Graham, and came across a lot of bizarre stuff. Discovery of the week: Mr Lollipop! Sweets in bulk for cheap! We’re going to raid it next week before exams start. Big bags of peanuts for about R15 or so…cheaper than the vending machine, I say. And we went into so many arb little shops and buildings, especially when I was missioning about with Tally on…Tuesday, I think it was.
So, today marks the end of my rest period. From next week, its hardcore studying all the way. I’m going into history with an 83% average, which will REALLY help because I hear that exam is quite hardcore. It’s something like 50 questions in three hours and its rather insane. I’m going to start running study groups next week, particularly for ling. Now, I may be feta-hot at Japanese (I got 90% for the last test) but syntax…well, err, I failed that. So, I need to do better there. Fortunately, I’ve done fairly decently in my philosophy essays so if I fail the paper (which I doubt) they will bump me up to a pass. I enjoy teaching though, so study groups are always fun for me. English is the biggest subjects: we have TWELVE setworks to cover, and I’ve forgotten an embarrassing amount.
Otherwise, I’m very happy that all my friends have found significant others. Amy, Tally and Ella are very happy and I just passed the five month mark with my adored one. Things are going well in Galaxy Rhodes. Well, I say galaxy…more like large, middle-class department store. Not quite Harrods, but not Pep either. Um, well, it depends where you are on campus.
Hmmm, what else…
The res water has gone DARK brown. It is, honestly, disgusting. But, cunning five foot seven Admiral I am, I have a 5 litre bottle of mineral water on hand in times like these. I will have my Woolworths extra-strength tea, dammit!
I am waiting to become the eldest grandchild of sixteen when my aunt Penny has her baby any day now. I’m hoping for a boy, because there are lots of girls on that side of the family. Well, that’s sixteen kids including both sides of the family. The Scholtz side is MUCH bigger than the Hinis side, but anyone who knows anything about these two families will understand why. Polar opposites…
I suppose I should stop procrastinating and sort my notes…or something. Maybe make an exam study guide. Or play around with photos from the party yesterday!
Will try to blog soonish…
PS: Shiny version of this blog on my other blog, since it allows multiple photo-upload. www.admiral-adventures.blogspot.com