Child {Chibs/Tig}

Sep 02, 2011 00:04

Title: Child
Fandom: Sons of Anarchy
Pairing: Chibs/Tig
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,175
Summary: Tig knows that he shouldn't be worried about Chibs, but he just can't help it.
A/N: Written for prompt #9: caring, Table Eight - Misc. B (12_stories). Dedicated to the awesomeness that is synnerxx. ♥

I can do it myself. It ain't like I'm some kid who needs some nanny to take care of 'em. )

p: chibs/tig, tv: sons of anarchy, !fanfiction, r: pg-13, c: chibs telford, fc: 12_stories, c: tig trager, g: yaoi

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Comments 3

synnerxx September 1 2011, 20:21:30 UTC
Awwww, Tig being worried about Chibs and hating that he is! <3

And Chibs being annoyed with him for being concerned and lol at Tig's rant. XD



stharridan September 3 2011, 00:24:02 UTC
I LOVE using that concept. Hah, I think it can be considered a cliche no! Person A worried about Person B and hating that he is. And then Person B comes and reassures Person A that Person A should not be worrying about Person B. That's a lot of persons. >_>



synnerxx September 3 2011, 02:06:12 UTC
It's definitely a trope, yeah. Lol, all the persons ever! <3


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