Older, Not Dead: #5, #9 {Shunsui/Kenpachi/Jushiro}

Jun 02, 2011 08:42

Title: Suck It Up
Pairing: Shunsui/Jushiro, Kenpachi/Jushiro, vague Shunsui/Kenpachi/Jushiro
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 406
Summary: Maybe Shunsui can actually get used to Kenpachi coming between him and Jushiro. Maybe.
A/N: Written for prompt #5: share of ot3_100.

Shunsui doesn’t like sharing. Anybody who knows him, even mere acquaintances, can tell that he’s not one for sharing. Clearly seen through his reluctance to give away sake, preferring to keep those many bottles close to his chest, Shunsui can be the rather selfish one if provoked.

To say that Jushiro is akin to alcohol would be rather out of the place, but Shunsui can’t help but feel this way towards his age-old friend. They’ve been together for so long, and only the gods know just when those foreign sentiments had started to rise between them. Shunsui can be very possessive if he wants to be, and though he’s trying to work on it, he still can’t help but drawl out twisted insults at those who dare linger their gaze on his friend, regardless of gender.

But when a certain captain enters their lives, penetrating their tight little circle, Shunsui finds himself at a crossroads. He doesn’t know what to do: deny him and in turn deny Jushiro’s growing affections for the man, or just accept him and watch as he takes Jushiro away?

He doesn’t mention this to Jushiro, of course, doesn’t want him to fret over his own personal crisis. Sharing is just not what he does best, and having Kenpachi there, seeing Jushiro torn apart between himself and that other man is just unbearable.

Shunsui knows that he has to get used to the fact that Jushiro’s found another one, with his own affections towards him still intact. He has to remind himself every time that, whenever Jushiro brings the man home, he has to get used to it. For Jushiro, his friend’s sake, he has to keep his mouth shut.

But when Kenpachi confronts him one day, when he demands the reason why Jushiro’s suddenly so upset, Shunsui freezes in place, capable only to stare at the man in bewilderment. “The fuck’s wrong with ye, Kyoraku?” he hisses, grasping a fistful of his uniform. “I’m gonna be hitchin’ a ride with the both of ye, so ye better get used to it. Be a man an’ suck it up.”

A blink, and Shunsui reaches out to run two fingers over Kenpachi’s bottom lip, catching the man by surprise. And then Kenpachi was on him, his mouth crushing his own, sharp teeth grazing his lips. Shunsui’s hands caress his neck, chest, an amused yet baffled smile gracing his features.
Maybe he could get used to it after all.

Title: Life
Pairing: Shunsui/Kenpachi/Jushiro
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 405
Summary: Life as a shinigami is never easy, but when Jushiro opens his eyes, he finds that there still exists little pleasures that make living all the more worthwhile.
A/N: Written for prompt #9: moments of ot3_100.

Life as a shinigami is never easy. Once one graduates the academy, one is inevitably exposed to the actual horrors of Soul Society, horrors that which lecturers at school make sure don't corrupt fragile minds. But, despite that, students still face the risk of death whenever fieldtrips are organized - no one can really predict a hollow's movements, let alone its strength.

Being a captain, one of the oldest and experienced, Ukitake Jushiro isn't a stranger to the terror that lies outside the Seireitei's protective walls. He knows that there will come a day when he'll be cut down by someone, something,far more powerful than him. There lies no reason to deny it, to deny death, but then what strikes him as rather funny is the fear that engulfs him whenever he ponders about death. As a shinigami, one straddling the seat of captaincy nonetheless, Jushiro knows that he's expected to be fairly used to it. But no, no one can ever get used to death. Everyone has their limits, even captains.

Jushiro spends his days preparing for the battle that will take his life. He dreads the day, but he knows that it will come. He wakes up every morning wondering whether it's going to be the day he'll finally leave Soul Society, leave everything that he holds most dear behind. Whether he dies in a bloody fight for justice, to protect those that he cherishes, or lying on his sickbed coughing up a storm till his lungs give out is beyond his own decision.

Sometimes he dreads falling asleep, afraid that he'll wake up in a different dimension without the familiar, comforting warmth encircling him. Often he finds himself reluctant to open his eyes, fearing that the Seireitei won't look the same as it did when he first fell asleep. Life as a shinigami is bleak, drenched in blood, a world carved open by a zanpakuto that's always sharpened, ready, ever prepared for battle.

But when Jushiro does open his eyes, he's greeted with a sight so unlike what one would find in a world overshadowed by darkness.

His nose is pressed up against a hard chest, arms draped around his waist, and when he looks up, he sees a flash of a canine, a grin, feels those arms tighten around him and a wet, sloppy kiss to his shoulder.

For Jushiro, these are the moments that make life as a shinigami a little less painful.

c: zaraki kenpachi, c: ukitake jushiro, !fanfiction, p: shunsui/kenpachi/jushiro, r: pg-13, fc: ot3_100, c: kyoraku shunsui, g: yaoi

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