
Oct 30, 2012 12:12

Title 时
Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo
Word Count: 153
Summary: there has to be a goodbye

kyungsoo takes in account that he packs up everything which could lead to remind Kai of himself,spotless from the bedroom across the living room:not a single predicament of memory is left.

He was doing this for kai's life and matter of fact, all he can do is never leave any worry state of trace behind
so he then leaves the apartment in a weary state,heavy sigh of regret contentment with bag in his shoulders....

He wasn't ready for this heck even cried like there's no tomorrow for the past month; this was planned a month ago but he has to, just for jongin

An unreasonable sign of dusk has fallen far off the distance, sending atmosphere of fading fogs sending treacherous chills down his thin clothed body; it disappears from his sight as he walks down the crack pavements

step by step,riding on a bike would have been better kyungsoo thoughts

-sobs i dont know how to write at least up to 1k

length: drabble, pairing: kai/kyungsoo

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