Title: Heart Shaped Clock. Author: shou_ni Pairing: ToraxShou, some NaoxHiroto Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff, Smut-ish Disclaimer: I dont own anyone, just the story. Summary: When a beautiful guy enters Tora's life, he's smitten. Unfortunately Shou has a secret and he doesn't want to share it
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Comments 22
And poor poor pooor Shou... But Tora is so nice he is lucky he has him<3
Oh why is life so hard for them? T^T
thanks for reading and commenting ^^
It seems like he's been bottling alot up for Tora's slake, Poor sod. T^T Tora takes shit from no one!
thank you, that's defiantly a relief, thank you for taking the time to read it ;D
LJ needs to get it's act together >A
Poor Shou
Hope toras mum bans sex for a month on tora's dad haha
thanks for reading.
You'll juust have to wait and seeeee ;D
And this chapter doesn't look rushed, and I don't think it's short either. Good luck on the next chapter! I'll be waiting for it^^
aww, don't worry, it's just fiction .
Thank you, I'm glad it's not as bad as I though *sighs with relief*
Thanks for reading & commenting, I'll try not to keep you waiting too long.
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