Title: Wipe out - The Sequel Pairing: Shou x Nao Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, fluff, smut Warnings: Man sex, Summary: It'd been three and a half months since he had seen Shou.
You're back! (^3^)/ I'm glad that you're getting over your writer's block. The comm was really quiet these past few days.
This was really cute! ShouNao is slowly growing on me too. And it's all your fault! LOL. Not really...I mean, seeing that they're really cute together in NicoNico... <3. Nao also recently said that he didn't know how to do a Kill Site attack in FF Type-0 so he got Shou to teach him. Trust my rabid fangirl brain to read too much into it. <3
Kokana Romansu please! haha. Sorry for being annoying ^^
It's such a weird but adorable couple, more people need to write them XD The niconico where Shou put his arm around Nao... I died.
You're not being annoying at all. I'll try to update it as soon as I can, might be a little while longer though I'm sorry. It'd hard to type wearing a sling ):
Holy shit...I hope you're ok. U got hit by a car, got ur arm and collarbone fractured, and ur still able to write A9 smut. Ur amazing. I <3 u! Hehehe XD
This was really cute! ShouNao is slowly growing on me too. And it's all your fault! LOL. Not really...I mean, seeing that they're really cute together in NicoNico... <3. Nao also recently said that he didn't know how to do a Kill Site attack in FF Type-0 so he got Shou to teach him. Trust my rabid fangirl brain to read too much into it. <3
Kokana Romansu please! haha. Sorry for being annoying ^^
It's such a weird but adorable couple, more people need to write them XD The niconico where Shou put his arm around Nao... I died.
You're not being annoying at all. I'll try to update it as soon as I can, might be a little while longer though I'm sorry. It'd hard to type wearing a sling ):
Seriously tho, I hope u get better soon!
Luckily I posted this fic the day before XD
but thank you~
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