Title: Kokana Romansu.
Author: shou_ni
Pairing: SagaxShou, ToraxShou
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff, Smut-ish
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, just the story.
Summary: Shou wasn't exactly sure what to say or even what to think as the male blabbed on, walking further into his apartment.
"Saga, are you alright? you look distracted"
The brunette blinked back to reality, The young lady sat opposite him looking at him with a concerned expression. His mind must have wandered off as she was talking, he'd spent the day in the apartment watching Shou slave over his books scribbling notes down. He'd wanted to help but there was really nothing that he understood.
"I'm sorry Misako. My attention is all yours. What were you saying?" He said smoothly, causing her cheeks to heat up.
"It wasn't important. What's troubling you?" She asked, gently laying her hand upon his.
Saga let out a small sigh, sipping at the drink cradled in his hands.
"It's my flatmate, he's been working really hard all day. I guess I'm just a little bit distracted by that"
She smiled "Is he cute?"
"Sort of...He needs a little bit of work. Y'know, some some hair dye, some new clothes and a proper skincare routine and he'd be quite the stunner" He smirked.
"Why don't you bring him here with you one day?"
"Yeah right" He scoffed "I don't think he'd like it in Ginza. He'd probably get all flustered and have a heart attack" He laughed.
Misako let out a small giggle. Flirtatious but a giggle none the less.
Hosting was something that Saga always found entertaining. Girls would buy him drinks all night and pay him to put up a facade of a relationship to satisfy their lonely dreams of an attractive, suave boyfriend. Fawning over every syllable that he uttered, licking their over glossed lips with desire, blissfully unaware of his sexual orientation, girls were off that menu. Not that he minded. The money was good, he got free booze and lavished in the attention. Drinking up every compliment and flirtatious glance to add to his already inflated ego. He wasn't that narcissistic but then who doesn't like ravished with attention.
Besides, he'd made alot of friends within the club. His closest friends worked there, he was close with the owner and was friendly with the regulars. Overall he loved the atmosphere, it was kind of like home away from home.
Shou had just about had enough of trying to study, yet again nothing was making sense. Probably down to the amount of caffeine he'd ingested. Jittery fingers removed the glasses from his face and pinched the bridge of his nose.
He had been hoping that Tora would call to break the monotony, but sadly the phone hadn't rung once. Loneliness was creeping upon him again.
A quick snack break had him sat back at the table again, picking up his pen and resuming his work.
Saga returned home from work some hours later to find Shou face down in his book, fast asleep. The brunette set down his coat and crouched beside him.
"Shou" He said softly, giving his shoulder a gentle shake "Shou, you need to go to bed, you can't sleep here"
A groggy mumble was his reply, pillowing his head on his arm.
"C'mon, You'll be exhausted if you sleep at the table. Let's get you into bed for some decent sleep" He couldn't hold back the smile that graced his lips as the other rubbed his tired eyes cutely, taking the hand that was extended out to him.
Saga lead him to his bedroom where he tucked him in and set his alarm for the next morning so that he wouldn't miss his train. Neither of them wanted to go down that road again, that was for sure. Shou wasn't even done with the repercussions of the last time he missed his train.
Quietly closing the door he padded through to the living room and sat himself down on the couch with a small sigh. He'd watch a little bit of TV to wind down from his busy sift and then crawl into bed. Nice.
Unfortunately, the phone had other plans and it rang out loudly making him jump out of his skin. With a grunt he quickly snatched it from the stand to avoid waking Shou.
"Hello?" He snapped.
"Hi, Is Shou there?"
Saga crinkled his nose "Tora, what are you doing calling at this hour? It's 2am"
"I just finished work so I want to talk to Shou now if you don't mind" Tora growled
"Well, you can't because he's asleep" He smirked "So as wonderful as it's been talking to you-"
He was interrupted by the sound of a door creaking open and a shuffling of feet.
"Is that Tora?" Shou asked.
"Yeah, but he should call you back tomorrow"
The blonde shook his head "I want to speak to him" He held his hand out, giving the other no choice but to pass him the phone.
"Fine, but you really need sleep." He rose to his feet, going into the kitchenette to get a himself a drink of water.
He looked over seeing Shou settle himself on the couch, cradling the phone to his ear delicately.
"Tora, I missed you" Saga rolled his eyes, it had only been a day for christ sake. The rest of the conversation fell on deaf ears, as he walked to his room. Throwing one last glance at his flatmate, shaking his head before he closed the door.
"I hear Tora's been staying with you for a few days" Nao said elbowing Shou in the ribs. It had been a week and a half since that night. Tora had returned from work and was staying at Shou's apartment for the week.. Much to Saga's annoyance. It wasn't that he disliked the guy, it was just irritating having to put up with the constant territorial kisses and uncomfortable glares sent his way by the raven haired male.
"Yeah, only until Tuesday" Shou replied, chewing the end of his pen "He's taking me out tonight too"
"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
The blonde quirked a brow and snorted "Nao it's fine, It's Friday we don't have classes tomorrow"
"Not that. I mean Tora being in your apartment when we have so much work to hand in two weeks. I know what you two get up to when he's in town. And with you having a job too.... how are you going to get it all done?" The red head questioned, leaning back in his chair.
"It'll be fine, I'll get it all done don't you worry"
Nao rolled his eyes. That was the problem, he was constantly worrying about his best friend. He'd seen him go form an average guy to a shut in, only ever emerging for work and Tora. It wasn't anything that would cause alarm but it certainly concerned the shit out of him.
"Alright, just make sure you do"
Saga was sore. Saga was tired. He'd spent the past hour gagged and being rough handled by one of his clients. So coming home to find an empty apartment was a god send, he could unwind in the bath perhaps order some take out and relax to a film in his bedroom.
Shou would be at uni for another couple of hours and Tora doing the food shopping he could use the bathroom in peace.
He did not however, predict what he was about to hear next.
Passing Shou's room he saw the door ajar, a quiet voice coming from inside. Tora's voice.
"No, I can't come and see you. I'm staying with Shou for a few days" he muttered in to his phone. Saga paused, should he really be listening in to a private conversation?
"I know right? He's so gaunt these days- it's like fucking a stick insect or something, only with bad skin and roots" The tiger laughed "Of course you're better looking... Yeah he used to be so cute but he really let himself go"
Saga didn't even notice that his fists were clenching so tightly that his nails dug into the flesh. How could Tora say those things?
"I miss you too baby" Tora cooed "Alright alright, how about you come here and we'll book into a hotel for the afternoon... I can't have you here, Shou might find out. Okay babe, I'll see you on Monday. Love you too"
He put the phone down and slowly got to his feet with a stretch, giving Saga a few seconds to silently slip out of the apartment, unnoticed.
His feet pounded the sidewalk, pushing past anyone who got in the way. His blood was boiling. Shou was not only his flatmate but a good friend. He was more than kind enough to take him in off the streets after only knowing him an hour, the only person that didn't instantly judge him when finding out his profession. A sweet guy who cooked him warm meals for him when he got home, regardless of how busy he was himself. So to hear someone betraying and bad-mouthing him like that, his boyfriend of all people- it turned his stomach, He wanted to just go into that room and beat Tora over the head until he lay unmoving, preferably dead but he didn't want him to know that he had been there.
Shou needed to know the truth, so he could punish the bastard himself.
He returned to the apartment a while later. Anger still present in his mind but somewhat calm enough to come face to face with the elder and not make a scene.
Shou was in the bedroom as he passed, the door half open to reveal the blonde struggling to get himself into an old over sized knitted jumper.
"Oh, hi Saga" He said cheerfully, wriggling his arm in an attempt to get it through the hole.
The brunette walked over and assisted him, earning a grateful smile.
"Hey, Where's Tora?"
"He's gone out to get milk"
"Perfect" Saga said, pulling the door closed a bit more. "There's something really important that I need to tell you"
The drop in tone made Shou's smile dissolve, looking at the other with a slightly worried expression.
"This afternoon when I came home Tora was here. I don't think he realized I was there because I overheard him on the phone." He let out a deep breath. The last thing he wanted was to hurt the poor sod but if he kept it a secret it could end up a whole lot worse.
"I think he's cheating on you"
Shou made a noise somewhere between a laugh and a cough.
"He was talking to some one saying how he misses them and stuff. He said something about them being better looking than you, frankly he said some pretty awful things about you but I'm not going into the details"
The blonde quirked a brow, was he serious?
"So you came to the conclusion that my boyfriend of four years is cheating on me because of a one sided conversation that you overheard? How do you know that he wasn't talking to his mother or something?"
"He's booking into a hotel with them for fuck sake, Shou open your eyes" He hissed, stamping his foot in frustration. "Can't you see that he's playing you for a fool."
Shou glared at him making him stop in his tracks.
"Saga, that's enough. I've been kind enough to let you live here and I've gotten to know you and consider you a friend, but if you're going to accuse my boyfriend some something so serious, we're going to have some problems. Now I'm going to pretend that this conversation never happened, and so are you.. okay?"
The brunette couldn't really argue with that. Giving him a small nod as the front door opened.
"Ahh Tora's back" Shou chimed, practically skipping out of the bathroom "We're going out now. We should be back sometime after midnight so don't wait up" He called as Tora pulled him towards the door. Slamming it shut, leaving the entire apartment encased in silence.
"Shou, you're an idiot" Saga mumbled.
The weekend had been somewhat awkward. There was a strange atmosphere looming within every inch of the apartment. Saga couldn't quite put his finger on it. He knew it had something to do with the shifty looks Tora would throw around before checking his phone for the billionth time, texting away with a devious smirk. Shou was behaving strangely also, seemingly in a world of his own. Speaking only when spoken to and using short sentences. Something was off and it was making him uncomfortable.
It was only when Tora went into the bathroom for a shower did Shou slip into Saga's room and perch himself on his bed.
"What you were saying the other day..." He spoke after a moment of silence "I was thinking, perhaps you're right"
Saga looked over from the mirror, where he was currently preening his hair.
"When we were at the restaurant the other night, he spent more time texting someone on his phone than talking to me. When I asked him about it he just shrugged it off and made up some shitty excuse about a friend or something. I don't know. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but since you mentioned it, everything he does seems shifty"
He let out and exasperated breath, running fingers through his hair.
"I just want to know if he is messing around, but I'm not the kind of guy that checks his boyfriends phone and hacks his emails. I don't know what to do"
The brunette crossed the room and knelt infront of the disressed male, placing his hands on the others thighs.
"I have an idea" He hushed "I'm not saying it's defiantly going to work but it's worth a shot. Okay so Tora arranged to meet this person at a hotel tomorrow right? Well, we need to follow him and see who it is that he's going to see. Maybe then you'll get some answers"
"And if I don't?"
"Well then we'll try something else. I promise you we'll get to the bottom of this alright"
When the next morning rolled around, Saga went to the trouble of borrowing a car as Shou's would have been instantly recognized . He and Shou sat in the small car and waited, for any movement on Tora's part.
"This is ridiculous" Shou mumbled, adjusting the huge sunglasses that seemed to cover half of his face "I can't believe I'm being so paranoid, if Tora finds out about this he'll never trust me again"
"He's not going to find out" Saga assured, his eyes fixed on the apartment building's entrance. He tapped Shou's leg as he saw said tiger leisurely strolling out. It was mere seconds before he was in his car and pulling away.
"Show time"
They managed to stay hot on his heels for over 20 minutes, weaving in and out of traffic. Making sure not to loose sight of him for even a second.
"Wait wait, he's pulling up" Shou cried "park up over there" .
The car barely came to a stop before the two were out and on their feet. Putting a gap between themselves as they followed the tiger down the road. Phones glued to their ears to communicate with each other.
"Where is he going?" Shou mused, taking the opportunity to shield himself behind a particularly chubby man walking in front of him.
"I'm not entirely sure, just keep following him" Saga replied, crossing the road in order to get a better view from another angle. Soon enough, Tora started slowing down- his arms stretching out to embrace a new figure.
A tall slim frame, mid-long rich brown hair streaked with golden blonde. The kind of face that oozed beauty. So unbelievably sexy that it was almost painful. Everything that Shou wanted to be. They shared a warm kiss, their fingers intertwining before they turned and headed inside a nearby building.
"Saga.." The brunette heard the other say in a small voice "Please tell me they didn't just go where I think they did?"
"Shit, Shou"
"A fucking love hotel..."
Authors Notes- What a love-rat. So Shou knows about the affair. What's going to happeeeenn?
Sorry this chapter was so short, I cut out a huge scene because it was just unnecessary. Anyway I hope you enjoy and comments are always gratefully received.Sorry this chapter was so short, I cut out a huge scene because it was just unnecessary. Anyway I hope you enjoy and comments are always gratefully received.