old Akame trans ♥

Nov 06, 2008 15:12

The first one is just a comment I found and.. liked that he combined them. D: *loser* the others are from 2002-2003~*

Tokio's Nagase-kun To KAT-TUN's Akanashi (Akanishi)kun [..I dont know why it put Akanishi, because he was addressing them both]
Are you well? You (Kame and Jin) are so similar I thought 'are you brothers?'. Before this I saw your variety show*. Next time come out with me. Saying that, I played soccer with Akanashi before. It probably depends [on their situation]. By the way, what's Akanashi's hobby? I want to know even more. See you!

I think he means he saw their variety show before meeting them and thought they were brothers then too ^^;

about Kamenashi,
He ate my ice! His mood swings come in waves!
ma~ but it's ok cause it's fun when we're together. Hearing that, said person should be kinda happy *laugh* -Akanishi Jin

about Akanishi,
He has no common sense.. On the train, in the car, he's singing. But I'm singing too *laugh* -Kamenashi Kazuya

Jin loves his moody Kame, Kame loves his stupid loud Jin. so that's where the stereotypes came from 8D;

File 3. K-->A. super private.
Kame: Eh~ Jin-kun huh.. he eats out alot. yakiniku, pasta, he often goes to eat with Takki. When Takki's arrangement is bad, Yucchi will definately call. Right Yucchi?
Yucchi: Ye~ah, I call.
Kame: Because Jin is a lonely person he really can't have no one close.

Kame then says Jin seems to be eating with someone alot, but I don't recognize the kanji ;;; Jin and Yamapi are both lonely people ._.; but they have eachother ri~ght xD;

Q. Is it true that Kame and Jin have never fought!?

K. It's true. Not one fight.
A. Eh~ we had a big fight once!
K. Huh? That.. when? What caused the fight?
A. I think it's so trivial it's forgotten *laugh* But we didn't talk for six months.
K. Ah~ that. We fough then drew a mutual line. However, because it lasted for a while, Jin seems to be calm, so your true personality was understood. Because of that our relationship deepened more.
A. Yeah yeah, it's like adversity builds character*. But there are lots of fights (joking/play fights) *laugh* so which one of us is the bad one that causes it mostly?
K. Huh? You're bad!
A. Wha-- what's that mean!? (this kind of light fight..)
K. During a concert, our symetry in a dance went wrong. It's Jin's position. When I mentioned it later I said 'don't slip!' and it turned into a fight. [he said it in an angry rather than concerned way]
A. Kame really does things so accurately~ Because my personality is there, the position is too! ..actually I am bad *laugh*
K. but in the end I say things like 'take care from now on' ..
A. When I say 'you too'. this doesn't end *laugh*
K. But don't you think it's good to have disputes over work?
A. I think I want to say that now! Really, a good meaningful talk reaches good conclusions.
K. At work it's likely to fight with the combination of opinions, but within KAT-TUN it's good.
* some kind of saying, I'd guess o_O

I like that Kame said they didnt even have one fight XD; 6 months is quite a long time to not talk, and he really just forgot that? ;;; I've heard before that they didn't talk for six months, but this was early 2002 o_O; I thought it was much later that the six month fall out happened~

translation: kame, translation: jin, translation: akame

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