FRisT first

May 11, 2004 08:36

This journal is so freakin complicated!! Mann this is starting to be a terrible week ahhh. Like you don't even want to know. Rectial is this weekend so of course it's gonna be pretty hectic w/ dress rehersal and all. Tonite I have dance pics why I didnt have them like the other dance classes after dress rehersal.. who knows!?! So I'm having to get ready soon for them and I've officially decided my hair is "unscrunchable" seeing as I came to school with it halfway scruched and it ended up flat by 2nd block. And I realized today taking pills w/ out something to drink doesnt help ya @ all. Then ya can't take more till the time is up or w/e & u got a stummy ache. And Lizzy-beth <3 ya to death and I hope life only gets b-e-t-t-e-r for ya. Well - im out gotta put on the pimpin jr. comp costume, the ballet costume that makes me look chubful, and the hilbilly hiphop 3 okay :)!!
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