Sep 07, 2004 15:47
not really into updating anymore... not feeling motivated to do much of anything... feeling kinda effy to be honest.
It's Tuesday, already, and school is up and going again... if I post the way I'm feeling right now towards some people they'll be mad at me ((not you Kiki)) so... ah hell why not? OK I'm kinda pissed at Kaitlin because she was getting on my nerves some today just clicking off - I constantly feel left out, not by KiKi's doing but I feel like Kaitlin tries to monopolize the conversations and Kate is really awesome when its just me and her but whenever Christina's around she gets really... idk I just hate this shit all of the competition for attention. Its the gayest thing, I know, and I should be more mature and shit but I get really uncomfortable...
I feel really insecure about so much...
Nate and me... I'm just not sure how long it will last... I just don't feel like he likes me as any more than a friend and I really like him and I just don't know whats up anymore...
School was weird... I got there and we did our whole 'meet & greet' jank... really uncomfy... lmao when Heidi opened a car door and there were no kids inside... went in, my locker is still in shambles, my Sobe spilt all in my bookbag, I had my ghetto salad lunch and lunch got shortened and theres no break so its just class after class and I feel really stressed and burnt out right now.
Mrs Murrerro (sp?) is our gym teacher so w00t that is the best thing that happened like all day...
Hung out with the Flips and they were pretty cool. Andrea & Andrea and now theres another Andrea... but she pronounces it On-dree-yah so yeah... so it was me, Sheena, Kate, Kiki, and Mag and I thought we had a good lunch and got along pretty well together and then Kate was all 'I don't like them' and so that struck a nerve... then she takes off with Christina... yeah I feel like the third wheel and it suxors...
I have a lot of homework, thank you Miss Spate and Mr Lawson... ugh and Bible won't be any fun now, Mrs Embrador has so many stupid rules.
Looked awful but had good hair when I left the house. By the time I got to school it was all flat and I just felt so ugly all day long and pulled it back and wallowed in my unprettiness.
Theres a whole mess of 7th graders and its absolutely crazy. Gabbi is cool, I'm still getting used to Brandy's hyper-ness and immaturity, and then theres Kara, who's really shy and quiet, and Anna- who looks mage like Alexis Varnell, and Katelyn who seems uber sweet, and Nicole who is also mage hyper and a whole mess of chitlins so this yr phys ed should be interesting... Abby seems really stuck up. Alyson on the other hand seems pretty cool and I don't mind hanging out with her. I probably sound really stuck up but this is an honest entry. Jen and Amanda pissed me off today and I can't stand either one of them. Ness was cool, and so was Sheena, but not together. I sit by Sparkman in US History!! w00tage!! :D :D :D Hes the cutest guy in the class by far. Still doesn't talk to me though. Can't blame him. I am a strange one.
I have almost 300 icons for Christina, Shane, & Donny's community but I'm too tired to put them all on tonight... I'll wait until I'm more alert to post them b/c I don't want to put all repeats I need to go through them and organize them... again... time consuming...
I have such a headache I just want to go to sleep... I'm starving so I guess I'll go eat dinner now and take a B12 then finish all this homework. G'nite all.