Nov 01, 2007 11:13
So last nights show was something...with the loss of Robert Goulet, Jack decides he's going to be Goulet for awhile, then switch to Mars, then back again. It would have worked fine if he and Stu decided not to power drink for 2 hours before the show. Then the shots came. When Stephen makes that call, its either feast or famine. 2 trays of shots leftover in fact before I stopped the show. Well, between that, Stephens voice was getting really rough around 1. The cops had been by twice for noise complaints. And Stu could barely stand.
There were highlights. Ryno sang Home Sweet Home. Some guy dressed as Gene Frenkle played cowbell worse than Will Ferrell did in that sketch. A guy in a hooters outfit won the costume contest. I made it home before 3.
Oh, more low points you say? My car got egged. Stu left a trail of puke to the van. 15 people came up to me requesting that the band stop and I play some hip-hop. Junior opened his mouth. Then got mad when Jack and Scott told him he might want to think about working at P. F. Cheng's full time if he plans on keeping it up.