Jun 26, 2010 02:24
I write beauty like light in glass,
fleeting and unique. I want to catch
your tears and put a stop to the sadness
that threatens to envelope us
and propel us into obscurity. So kiss my knuckles
while I hold your soul and let us see
what comfort we can give our aching hearts.
I told the world to cry diamonds
because that’s how much pain is worth
and as your eyes drop I catch a gem,
note its radiance, 1.28 carats
f distress resting in my hand like thunder.
I smile into your mouth, my remedy
to your every malady, let my eyes
scream laughter and let my gaze fall
on you. You tilt your head back
and I bow my body down.
I take your fingers in mine and between
us we’re clasping your soul so tightly
it begins to bleed. You say, look how I hurt.
I say, yes, but dear, most wisdom stems from pain.