Oct 21, 2006 14:25
it happened one night after the history mid term, like lightning i dicided to stop mooping around and actually do something, and now i have to confort the horrors or living on you own. i hate it, with a passion, yet i love it and dont want it to change. the up side is i'm losing weight (in a healthy way) i have an entire apartment to my self where no one is going to barge in and bug me like in a dorm, and i have complet freedom of control to be a lazy and as clean as i want with no eyes to judge me. the down side is i dont share this appartment with anyone so no roomate friends, no social gathering post on the dormroom door, and i cant walk to my class form home unless i want to be walking for a good thrity minutes or less. so i'm undicided about whether or not i want to try and get a dorm ro continue to live in this appartment. i really do enjoy my solitidue but i also would enjoy massivly some social conversation that doesnt happen in the ten minutes between class's or social conversation that isn't limited by the earpiece of a cell phone. this is sometimes hell and sometimes heaven. i guess is i was anyother person i would be out on the town at night going to the clubs, who knows maybe i will find LA's virsion of babalon(queer as fold reference).
with that said i doing much better, i starting to slowly make some friends from HCOM class and i'm actually doing my work for my classes rather then playing viedogames all day. strangly enough the one place where i thought i would really make my friends was the Cello Chior but the entire ensemble is 70% super shy asian, so no friends there. i do get lots of calls form Tony-Rose and Jim. me and Tony-Rose talk about her boy troubles and your basic girl talk while me and jim have good conversations which contain your normal conversations topics for good friends and we have our bad conversations, which we dont really have a conversation as much as we stay on the phone for a couple of hours while jim continues to evade every question i give and shoots out random things that he heres form the TV. but for the most part i look foward to a good conversation. keeping in line with the paragraph delaney came over last weekend and we went to the horse racese, which was fun, dont really know what more to say bout that except i hope that you little honda thingy hasnt fallen off yet delaney.
I got a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at target after my forth interview, and i took a drug test, which was like a week ago, i'm still waiting for them to complet the backround check so that they will call me and scedual the whole training part of my job experince. oh college is so hard and i'm not talking about classes. i have to register for classes for next semester next month so that means i need to figure out what classes i need to take for my GE's but i have a hold on my registration because i need to get advising for the music program which i've dicided not to major in anymore but minior in. i'm not even suppose to be a music major now!!!. along with that i need to do the whold scolarship thing which i have no idea where to begin with. i also have to sign up for the dorms which i was suppose to do mounths ago, go lazy me. i have no idea if i'll have internet next mounth because i dont get mailed statments and the account that i'm suppose to have on the internet i cant reach because if the timewarner take over or adelphia. i signed up for a mentor program wich is cool but since target is being slow i have no idea what my furure scedual is going to look like there for i feel as i cant make any plans for the future. to top all that off i have a concert on november 2 whic i only figured out because the sub for cello chior was worried that we wouldn't be ready for it in time, no one told me. i'm am just tired of music in genaral all the confusion the poor management and the constants absolutes, i'm apperantly five years from where i'm suppose to be with my musical abblity that only way i can make it up is to practice like mad but i dont' feel like practicing anymore. i just want a break but the breaks form school look as if there just going to brignt yet more confusion.
ok now that i've thrown my fit i feel better.