It doesn't count as incest if they're not blood related. or if they're greek gods, apparently

Jun 24, 2010 22:49

Hang on, wait.  I'm confused - where is the Prince of Persia slash?

And, um, getting myself back into greek mythology was probably a bad idea.  Would anyone even be interested in reading a modern retelling of the story of Psyche and Eros, wherein Psyche is a boy named Cyril and Eros is a little, er, naive?

“Stop that.” Cyril said sharply, smacking Eros’ hand away from the delicate looking bauble and sounding very much like Ares did whenever he thought Eros needed a father's guidance (which wasn't terribly often, because he was awful at it). “Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to touch it.”

“But it’s pretty.” Eros insisted fervently, reaching out again.

Cyril grabbed his hand this time and held it instead, and the warmth from that touch spread all the way down to Eros’ toes. “Thusly, fragile. Perhaps even expensive.”

don't feel like making tags today

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